April 27, 2005


I am happy. Reason:

I didnt have to work today.
I slept till 8:45 and woke up all by myself meaning that it got enough sleep and yet I dont feel like I "wasted the day".
My papa made me a reeeeally yummy piece of toast ( it has leftover icing from Anna's famous birthday cake on it!)
I wrote a letter to Kristy...which made me think about her and miss her...in a good "bittersweet" sorta way.
I went to Wal Mart ( which I had been dreading) but I got everything I needed AND didnt run into anyone I knew and I didnt have to wait in lines ( I LOVE self-checkout!)
I saw Katie and Brad at Javs and I set a date with Katie for tomorrow night....
I am FINALLY getting to sit in the new "comfy/styley" chairs at Java Jacks...they are usually occupied..
I am sitting here in Javs with my ipod my ibook and my latte...feeling totally cool and totally contented ( mostly due to the latte)
I am looking forward to church tonight...and hoping there is going to be a meeting at Java Jacks afterwards.
I am listening to MercyMe
I am about to write more letters to more dear friends.
I am wearing red. my favorite.

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