October 04, 2005

Romance Thrillers

So, I went and saw the Corpse Bride with my mom last night. I would have to say the film is a classic Tim Burton...and the music is classic Danny Elfman...both of whom I enjoy in themselves so I was realitively happy with the results.

But here are the things I found enjoyable about this particular movie....I really thought it was interesting that the "underworld" was vibrant and colorful while, in stark contrast the "live world" was dull, dreary and entirely black and white. It was an interesting switch of logic and was probably helpful in making the dead people less scary and the live people more unlikeable and boring...for what that is worth. I also really enjoyed the scenes with the piano-first when Victor plays for Victoria and then later when he plays with the Bride...both scenes were endearing..and the music was excellent...I am assuming they were Elfman originals and I would be interested and getting the soundtrack, but from memory I think those two piano pieces are the only things I would enjoy listening to more than once, hmmm...maybe itunes is selling the singles....
Which brings me to what this post is all about...random things that I find romantic.

I find it odd that with all the romantic comedies and the "romance movies" ( you know the ones..."Walk to Remember, The Notebook etc.etc.) floating around these days...when I list my all time favorite romantic movie its a thriller. Why is that? I have no idea...but all I know is that this movie which could only be loosely classified as a Child thriller ( or something)...also had some ultimate romantic elements to it that I found more delightful and heart-flutter-worthy than any souly romantic movie out there....
So, I thought about it and I think it would be interesting to have a list of those "suprise romantic elements" those things that are romantic..but not necessarily in the typical romance films.
Of course, my ultimate example is The Village-which I still find to be the most romantic movie of all time...
And then, when you go see the Corpes Bride-listen to the marriage vows...they are actually beautiful. At first I thought they must be traditional jewish vows..but I spent a good 20 minutes looking for them online and couldnt find anything...so maybe they were made up for the movie. Whatever the case...they were beautifully written...and if you think about it, they didnt NEED to be beautiful-I mean, ultimately they could have been really lame and it wouldnt have taken away from the movie at all...but in my opinion they really ADDED to the movie a whole lot...which was a nice surprise and added some unlooked for depth.
I hope somebody can help me out with where they are from because I would like to read them again-or post them on here....

Anyway, I would love to hear what you guys think...maybe WHY I always find the most romantic thing to be in the odd sort of movies...or maybe you have a movie you want to add to the Romance Thriller Genre...whatever.

Thus endeth what turned out to be a really girly post ;-)

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