November 27, 2005

Back to work.

My four day "holiday" is almost over...back to work tomorrow...which, also sinks MORE because I just found out that I'm the "late girl" again this week...something about getting a holiday and the other girl didnt or something...whatever. BOO! I hate being the late girl...sleeping late is overrated anyway because of the stupid evil dog down stairs. :-( Ah well, I'll just get up early and go have coffee with my papa and my sister. Yes, that'll make it better.

OK, bitter much? hehehe...sorry about that. I didnt mean to rant. My holiday was lovely apart from the cold which is sllloooowly getting better. So I shouldnt complain should I?
Anyway, I added a new link over on the side bar of this blog...please read the Cutting Edge Missions blog which will be updated every so often-hopefully it will remind you to pray for these dear people on their missions trips. :-)
Tonight was a special night at church, heard from a couple who've been long time members of our church who are going to Kenya for a year as missionaries. It was really wonderful to hear their heart for missions but more importantly see their obedience to the call that God has placed on their hearts. It was a special message because its something we can ALL think about, ya know? Made me think about how obedient I am in what God has called ME to do! Makes me think...

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