May 27, 2005

Fried Green Tomatoes

I watched that movie for the first time last night: A big "Awwwwww". I really did love it! It, of course, made me cry because well..."friendship movies" always make me cry.

And on that note sometimes friendships can be hard, sometimes they hurt more than they provide is at those moments you've got to make the choice: Is it worth it.

Yes, it is.

Tonight, Steph and I are going to the PineKnot concert at Milards Crossing ( aka. the place you SHOULD NOT have a wedding according to the "event of 2002" ;-). ) I am excited, because i know it will be fun, even if the music is bad....if anyone wants to come along, it starts at 8pm ( Trinity, if you and James are free, come along!)...

And today Steph is hanging out with Katie and Brad while I am at work. Woo.

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