October 25, 2006

It really was a dark and stormy night...

I got invited the the Nacogdoches High School writing club, Scribblers annual "Reading the grave yard" party this weekend...which I TOTALLY plan to go to, after I squeeze in an appearance at the Nacogdoches Highschool Swim meet ( yay! I hope I get to be a timer!)....anyway, its the perks of having your mother be the Scribber sponser...
So, the my mother's students have all been assigned the task of writing a short story with the opening line "it was a dark and stormy night"...upon hearing about this, my mother and I got in an argument about the organs of said badly written phrase...she said it was from the comicstrip Peanuts...I said it was from an actual novel...

A google search brought me to this really fabulous article on the topic...and it got me thinking...writing a really HORRIBLE opening sentence really takes some talent.

The article also talks about a contest for the WORST opening line...and I gotta say I laughed OUT LOUD at the winner!...so to all my aspiring writers out there...I say let's all practice our writing skills by writing very very badly for a change!! hehehe...

Here's my worst efforts:

"George was lost again, he had taken a right at Chestnut instead of a left which had consequently brought him back up Elm street, which crossed Main St. after about three blocks, where he found himself stuck behind a very large van that had five children pressed up against the back window, who would make obsene faces at him at every stop sign. "

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