February 01, 2007

Just so you know...

I'm not in a good mood...not at all. Mostly because my landlords keep invading my personal space like nobodies business, and by nobodies, I mean nobody that i havent INVITED in!! I mean, good grief, if you're going to use my toliet at least put the seat down, and if you're going to walk around in my bedroom for, what seems to be, no good reason than at LEAST don't rearrange my decorations. Because, now I actually know you've been in here.
Which if you think about it, its pretty nice of you, otherwise I WOULDNT have known that you'd been in my house, and then I would have this very violated feeling that I have now...because...I know that someone-besides me-has seen the bras hanging on the door knobs. And that's not cool. Not cool at ALL. I don't care if you are extremely elderly and give off grandparent vibes....its still NOT RIGHT.

In other news, I'm in pain....which also makes me slightly irritible on the fifth day in a row....

I am trying to calm myself by reading ( starting in the archives and working forwards) this totally fabulous travel blog that is a wonderful story of traveling from New York City all the way through South America for an entire year......

It makes me wish I was a better writer...or the things I wrote about where worth reading. :-)


Anonymous said...

did you know that you hav ethe right to have your locks changed?? Aunty D

David said...

I think Abbey's locks are nice