January 31, 2008


So, I set my alarm, got up and made one phonecall and two texts and went right back to bed. I basically cancelled on everyone that I had plans with today- in one fell swoop. But, it was totally called for since I was pretty much up until 3 last night and then awaked again at 5 ( which is the actual time when Brett walked through the door. poor boy)...and when I awoke this morning I had a nasty feeling in my throat I just feel uggy.

BUT, it was all made totally bareable ( if not grand) by the fact that I got to hang out with Brett this morning!!! YAY!!! He got to open his birthday presents, eat lunch and then played with his birthday presents all before having to go back to work at 2pm...the fact that HE had such a nice morning pretty much made my whole day. I'm SO GLAD he's home!!!!

The point however, is that now I'm left with nothing really to do...sooooOOooo...what now?! Today should be SORTA productive, right? ;-)

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