May 21, 2009

Pinkie swear

I know I've been a terrible blogger of late, but I have a feeling that next week when I have Internet ( the paid for kind!!) in the apartment again, you'll hear more from me....

Last few days I've been getting back into the swing of Washington, enjoying having L move in with me, preparing for a new bible study for my Tuesday girls ( I've never prepared an entire study from the beginning before and it's a challenge!) , loving washingon's nice weather ( for the most part), doing favors for friends, and trying hard not to look forward to July too much.

Me in a nut shell... And hopefully, I'll be giving you more versions of me soon!

Oh, I read the book "Losing Mum and Pup" by Christopher Buckley on the plane ride back to WA, and it was the most enjoyable four hour read I've had in ages... Put this little memoir on your summer reading list, you won't regret it!

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