September 24, 2010

Fussy, Table for two

So, about a week ago I started to notice that Ransom was getting increasingly fussy when it came to going down for his nap or for bedtime. It seemed that no matter what I did he would fight sleep like it was going out of style and so he and I would spend most of the day struggling against each other in the hopes for him to catch a few winks.

Not a happy baby. Not a happy mommy.

And so we've begun "sleep training" basically the idea is that he'll learn how to go to sleep by himself and therefore he'll get MORE sleep and thus be a much happier baby and then I will be a much happier mommy.

At least that is the hopes. Things were really going well last night and up until this afternoon. In fact, he was doing so well that I noticed a marked difference in Ransom's attitude...he was a down right smiley baby! That's what I'm talking about! I don't think I've ever seen him smile so much! It was great fun!

And so as I listen to my little boy cry in the other room...with my phone on timer so that I can run in there as SOON as the timer says enough time has passed ( believe me this is HARD!), I believe that I am doing the right thing for him..he will ultimately be a happier baby and I so want that for him!

But this is hard, and its especially hard when I don't have my hubby around to help me through it-so it was nice that God reminded me of a verse last night to help me through...actually, Brett reminded me of the verse first-its actually the verse that he's memorizing while in Ranger School-so its kinda cool that its helping us BOTH.

Prov 3:12
because the LORD disciplines those he loves, 
       as a father  the son he delights in.


aggierudy3 said...

Timers saved my life the first few months. I used it for everything, especially nursing and going to sleep. Zuzu wanted to sleep by herself and after two weeks refused any assistance. I felt guilting for swaddling and letting her fall asleep on her own, but I had to remind myself that she was going to be more angry if I rocked her or tried to help in any way. After a short while, she got the hang of it and she has slept like a champ since she was a couple of months old.

Does Ransom have any sleep cues? Zuzu would hum when she got sleepy. It was so cute we were tempted to keep her up to listen, but regretted it if we missed the sleep window.

Rachael said...

It's hard, but you're right it will be WELL worth it!

Katie Wright said...

I used a timer too! I started at 5 mins...then 10...15...30...45! And then he started to get it!!! Now he whimpers and is done by the time I shut the door. And a lot of times he's just ready to go down.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! It will get better soon! We did sleep training with our daughter (now 2.5 yrs) starting when she was 2 weeks old - she has slept a solid 12 hours through the night ever since. It was the best/hardest thing we did early on. And you're right, not only does mommy need some sleep, but baby will be happier and healthier for getting good sleep too! There is nothing harmful (other than breaking your heart!) about crying when baby is fed and has a clean diaper.