October 18, 2010


Why is it that the last week can often be the hardest? Honestly, I have no complaints about the past two months...the Lord has blessed me greatly and I've learned a lot through the challenges and the blessings...but this week, this week I'm DONEZO!

Seriously, I am SO OVER not having Brett home. I'm SO OVER not having a normal routine. I'm SO OVER missing out Chapel and Bible Study because I can't manage by myself. I'm SO OVER being a single Mom. I'm SO OVER making house decisions, child decisions, car decisions and financial decisions all on my onesie.

Ok. So now I will answer my own question. I easily fall into this trap of, "oh! one week?!  I can do this! This'll be easy-peasy! God, I know you've been handling my life great up until now-but take a step back, I've GOT THIS."

Um. no. Abigail, you do not HAVE THIS.

And it is very clear that I'm going to need some extra-special Spiritual Help up until...well, really forever...because JUST because Brett get's home does not mean I'm not going to flip out about something new and need more help! hehe!
So, yes. As for this week....I'm not done needing the Grace of God to get through it all.

Oh. And today, Ransom, Emma ( she's my very last visitor before Brett's return...actually she's staying past his return!) and I spent THREE AWFUL HOURS at the Doctors trying to figure out why he is spiting up a lot ( more like THROWING up...as in projectile actions!) and waking up in the middle of his naps screaming in pain...I had taken him to the doctor on Friday but of course Ransom got there and started cooing and flirting with the doctors and nurses and therefore making a BIG FAT LIAR out of me ( not really, but they sent us home as if I was...) and so we had to go BACK again today...and while I didn't say anything I KNOW that the Doctors got the hint. They realized that this Mama right here was going to just KEEP COMING BACK...again and again and again until the realized that my sweet cooing baby was in need of some attention.
And so exam, blood work, ultra sound later and I finally had the acid reflux medicine that I had wanted all along. WIN.

Now let's pray that it starts to work. *sigh*

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