May 15, 2014

Good Morning!

Hey, ever wondered what a morning routine is like for a mom of an almost 4 year old and an almost 1 and a half year old?

At around 7ish Tabitha wakes up, I hear her and roll around in bed willing her to go back to sleep. ( she never does). So I get up and go get her. Change her diaper and then we go sit on the couch together. She watches either Little Bear or Daniel Tiger* on Amazon Instant. ( free with Amazon Prime) and I read my bible.

This happens until around 7:30 ( Ransom has this rockin' clock in his room that lights up and I set his for 7:30...sometimes he'll sleep through the light, sometimes he wakes up before the light and has to wait until it turns on before he can call for me. That clock is a LIFESAVER). Either way its around 7:30 when he joins the day.

Ransom settles onto the couch next to his sister and I get moving in the kitchen. My kids get 45 minutes of TV time in a day ( two episodes of LB or DT) -thats on a normal day, sick days and awful days happen to everyone and those don't count- and maybe a movie night once a week so you've gotta use the time wisely!!

Breakfast in our house is pretty much the same every single day 365 days a year- per my kids request. I try to do something special and its like a HUGE HORRIBLE DEAL. How DARE I deviate?! So, yeah, instant oatmeal for everyone ( I use plain oatmeal and then add a little fresh local honey-this helps with their allergies BIG TIME, and adds the needed sweetness factor). So, I start making oatmeal and then I start making coffee. This is a KEY INGREDIENT of a mom of minis. If you skip the coffee step then I really have no words of wisdom for you. I have NO IDEA how you're surviving.
At this point in the morning I also let Ransom know that I'm "putting my oil in my mouth".  ( if you're curious this is the post that got me started oil pulling). I need twenty minutes of "quiet time" to swish my coconut oil around in my mouth and that's basically an ETERNITY to a little boy so I have to give him a heads up that I won't be open to his endless questions of "Then what are we gonna do?" . Luckily, TV plus breakfast is enough of a distraction to get this part of my day over with!

I put both kids oatmeal in the freezer for quick cooling and then cut up some fruit. Usually both kids are chomping at the bit for their breakfast so they eat fruit while their oatmeal cools. They can both see the TV from the table so we finish up our TV quota for the day as they finish breakfast, while I drink my coffee ( usually my twenty minutes are up by then!) and make snacks/lunches pack up bags for whatever activity we've got that morning.
When Ransom finishes his breakfast he must bring his plate to the kitchen and then is sent off to the Potty. ( going potty was a HUGE fight right when he got up, so even though it seems CRAZY that he'd still be holding it from ALL NIGHT LONG, having him up for about 30 minutes before sending him off to the restroom seemed to cut out the drama.). I will then clean up Tabitha and help her finish up her oatmeal ( she's still learning how to eat with a spoon and things are a bit...ummm...messy right now).

TV time is usually up by then and Ransom will come into Tabitha's room and play on the floor while I get her dressed. We then head into his room ( with a stop in the bathroom to wet down hair and comb down both of my kids Rockin' cowlicks) where we wrangle him into some clothes and then all three of us tromp into my room where I throw something on. That's right. THROW.
I now fully understand all the jokes about Mom's appearances. By the time I've dressed and brushed the hair of two other humans NO ONE has the time or patience to let me be meticulous about what goes on my body. Yesterdays clothes don't seem too gross! Let's wear those! ( it's happened!). Black leggings again today? Don't mind if I do! I do own 5 pairs, after all!
By then the clock is getting close to 8:30 and it's time to head out the door to preschool. Or if its a non preschool day we will have taken our time with a few of those tasks and it's closer to 9:30 and its time to head to the library for story time, the museum for art time, or off to some morning errands.
For pretty much ANY trip outside our house I must have two things ready: sippy cups and snack cups. I put these name bands on my kids sippy cups so that they can keep them straight no matter what cup they are drinking out of that day. ( even when they can't read their name they can understand colors). I get mine from here and they look like this:

And they are great if you're kid is in childcare at church or goes to school or daycare. 
And then we also have snack cups like this

And I usually fill these puppies with gold fish or Annie's bunny grahams or cheerios- something munchy to keep away the grumps, the possible car-naps ( the worst kind of 5 minute nap that means no naps later) and the "I'm hungy"-ies that inevitably happen right after breakfast. 

Luckily now that my kids are a little older the only other things I have in my bag is one little zip bag ( that I talked about in this post) with a diaper or two for Tabitha and an extra onesie. A package of baby wipes, an extra bib for Tabitha and one of these awesome disposable placemats, and then two match box cars for when we have to stand in line too long or have too long of a wait getting the oil in the car changed or something. Thankfully both my kids like to play with cars. ;-) 
YAY! Giant diaper bags are finally a thing of the past! 

So there you go, a typical morning at our house! Seems pretty easy right? 


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