August 19, 2005

you will NOT believe this...

ok, so I just went and got some breakfast from the hospital cafe...and as I was leaving, I turned out the light.

*pause to let that sink in*

a split second after I did it I realized what I had done and quickly went BACK into the room and tried to turn it back on-while everyone in the room was still in that confused "did a light burn out in here?" stage...
unfortunately the lights in the room are divided in two and I had only turned out one half-but when I was trying to turn it BACK on...I turned the other one out...anyone that hadnt noticed the half-black-out noticed the full one....

In what seemed like the longest 2 seconds ever I turned both lights back on...and ran.

embarrassed is not even the WORD to discribe this.

I am going to take a moment to collect myself....

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