It was TRULY shocking that it took me FOUR YEARS to finally go visit Amy in Oklahoma! But, better late than never right?

My friendship with Amy ( long as it has been)has had some delightful changes over the years...which is one of the things I love about it, it changes as we change, yet we can still remember (fondly) playing with Polly Pockets and ( not so fondly) our ugly ackward years...
Well, now we have entered a really funny time...where we get very excited about things like curtains and oven mits ( seen above)...so you can imagine my delight, when I was able to check out Amy's apartment...

Being a girly-girl is one of my favorite past times...and so you can imagine my delight when Amy took Christa and I to this totally estrogen-infested Tea Room...it was ADORABLE...and the food was great...and it reminded me of my Aunt Donnave. It makes me sad that Nacogdoches is lacking in a place where Hats and Gloves and Chocolate and Teapots all hang out together...

To add to our domestic goodness, we cooked really fabulous Salmon...which turned out reeeally great...oh, and just to make you extra hungry, we also had SCONES for breakfast on Sunday morning. That's right, we dont kid around with food.
Me=fed well, makes for a pretty good little holiday all by itself...but great conversations, site seeing various Amy-haunts, and Oklahoma's finest, as well as lazing around with movies ( minus that really cheesy ABC family orginial movie), pretty much made for perfection...

These pictures are my favorite of the ones I took at the Oklahoma City Memorial for those who were lost in the Oklahoma City bombing ( these particular pictures show where childern can leave chalk messages and pictures to honor the children lost that day...) it was pretty moving and also mind blowing to think that this horrible event was actually not the WORST act of terrorism this country would face....

Ah yes, there is more I could say...maybe about our time watching turtles, fish, and ugly oklahomans in the botanical gardens...or maybe how Christa and I managed to NOT go totally insane driving 16 hours in one weekend ( thanks to the help of
this totally fabulous soundtrack and many other CDs)....or a really good sermon on Sunday morning that led to some good discussions...but, unfortunately I dont have pictures...so you'll just have to imagine its goodness while meditating on the above picture. have fun.
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