July 29, 2006

timeless love...

"timeless" as in I have NOOO CLUUUUE what time it is right now-well, actually, it FEEELS like 10pm-but reeeeeally its 5am ( yes, my flight to houston was delayed THREE FREAKIN HOURS! BOOOOO!) so, really, while I'm tried....I'm also a bit wound up...

So, let me just say (again) that my trip was PERFECT. I found out that, indeed, I DO have the very best friends in all the world and it was NOT, infact, a figment of my imagination.
Yes, I even have planned several long drawn out emals and/or blog posts in which I will gush forth about how much I love said friends. And here's hoping i will have the opportunity to write when its still fresh in my very muddled mind. However, there is a high possiblity that what with the new apartment ( hahaha! I typed flat and then had to delete it! hahahaha! Arent I super coo?) and my new job....oh...and the fact that I wont have internet access for a while..that I wont actually be able to gush as much as I would like ( which would be a crying shame-since I've got sooo many things to gush about). But, we'll just wait and see shall we?

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