October 28, 2006

My story...

remember how I told you I was going to the Scribblers party this afternoon...and that i had to write a story that started with "It was a dark and stormy night..." ? Well, here is my story....

It was a dark and stormy knight that first drew her attention to the back of the tavern. He wasnt like the other knights, so shiny and polished in their deeds.
He had been mulling over his ale for hours. Normally Sarah would have complained about this to the other tavern girls since he was taking up valuable seating space and hadnt ordered a drink in hours. Yet, there was something about the way that he stared into his stein that made her keep her distance, an intensity of the eyes that kept her from mentioning him to anyone. It did not, however, keep her from periodically pushing by his end of the long wooden talbe. It gave her the opportunity to quickly glance down at the piece of parchment that was spread out in front of him. Sarah wondered if it was the circular annoucing the jousting tournament that was to be held the next morning. If it was, she felt sure she would be rooting for him. Yes, she would, maybe even throw down a handkerchief that had been strategically placed in her blouse moments before. Oh yes, Sarah could tell that this fascination with the brooding knight was only just the beginning. As the evening progressed, her glances in the direction of the sinister character grew more and more frequent, her imagination had already begun to formulate their first meeting...possibly after his big jousting win, he would see her through the crowd, grab her arm, and thank her for her inspirational handkerchief that had sealed his victory. Oh yes, it would be glorious....

Sarah's dream was cut short as a shrill, high pitched sound pierced through the din of the tavern. Everyone's eyes turned towards the brooding knight and to Sarah's horror his once dark and stormy face had been alumniated by a blue glow as he held a cell phone to his helmeted ear. Oh! How Sarah hated when civilians brought modern conveniences into the Renaissance fair!
But, her annoyance quckily turned to indifference as she went back to serving her more dedicated clientele, as luck would have it, a surf with an authentic sackcloth waistcoat waved her over to buy another ale. Sarah sighed with satisfaction, it might turn out to be a successful evening afterall!

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