February 26, 2007

its that time again...

I am going to be fired.

ok, SUUUUURE last month I didnt get fired, even though I was sure I would be...but this month, THIS month I'm pretty positive they've got good reason.

I only have a SMALL PORTION of the money needed to reach last years fundraising efforts on the Scholarship Golf Tournament, which is in a month... ( itsallforthechildren..)

I know, I know...working for a nonprofit organization how do I think we get money? Did I really think I'd be able to get away with not having to come right out an ASK ( in person, because I do it in written form pretty much constantly..I like the written word so much better)?!

So, yes, I'm waiting to be burated at my boardmeeting tomorrow. Tears from Heaven. I deserve it.

(if you havent already noticed the pattern of me worrying about getting fired at the end of every month just in time for my board meeting...well, get with it, the pattern is obvious.)

And on the same note of this week not being the tiniest bit cool- you know that guy, Brett, the one that I gush about all the time? Well, he's taking some LAME-O ( not really) scuba diving certification class...which is totally manopolizing my talking on the phone time. I hate scuba diving, and I hate this whole "bettering ones self" thing. Don't worry, I've already decided to be a supportive girlfriend-but that doesnt mean that can't do it whilest whining, right? Right? ;-)


Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

you may be looking at this getting fired thing all wrong. Think of how much time this would free up! And the best part, you wouldn't ever have to worry about getting fired!

Encouragement was not one of my spiritual gifts. Is sarcasm one?

Anonymous said...

I like the word "manopolizing." It actually works, too, doncha think?

Abigail... said...

hahahaha! Indeed, it seems that I can create puns even when I'm not trying. ;-)