August 02, 2007

ten minute drive, all the difference

So, last night my sweet husband took me to see "No Reservations". And I got to drive.

Those seem like simple things, a movie, driving...but they really made all the difference to my sanity.

Plus all your wonderful prayers and supportive comments and emails :-)

Yes, I'm feeling a lot better today, a lot less crazy.

So, I recommend No Reservations...of course, I recommend the original "Mostly Martha" (the german movie that came out several years ago.) almost more so....and you can probably rent it for cheaper ( if you're trying to save money by not going to the movies or something)...and its in german so there's that.

But, for me, going to the movies....getting out of the apartment. made me feel like a person.

Today, I talked to Billie and Steve on the phone ( at the same time! yay!). My mother. and Amy on the phone.

So, its been a good day for the talking. Thank goodness, I was forgetting how to have conversations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are feeling better. I sent you and e-mail. I hope it goes to you. God bless.