June 11, 2009

Waiting Game

There are some things that I hold to be self evident...one of them being that when your husband says he'll call at a certain time and then doesn't that you find yourself "waiting" even though you know the call is probably not going to come....you also find yourself not working out and not taking a shower in the hopes that you won't get interrupted doing either but instead you'll get a phone call while sitting quietly on the couch.

Of course now we're here at 11pm and I really should have worked out ( because its been days) and I really NEED a shower ( "ew" already!) and that phone call never came...so I'm just going to chalk this day up as a loss and hope that everythings OK on the other side of the world.

Sometimes this Life is hard.

And now I will take a shower in the hopes that irony will strike and my phone will ring.....

1 comment:

donnave said...

Today I met a man from Seattle. He told me about his very favorite coffee in Seattle. He said that Cafe Apasianado was great...their blend. I tried to find it on the internet because he said that you could order it online and I cannot find it. (Perhaps the spelling is wrong).
So, then, I looked up coffee houses in Seattle and came up with this link. You probably know all of this already, but, just in case.