May 05, 2010

Comedy of Errors. Mostly the errors part

So, I haven't blogged in a while-this has a lot to do with the whole "no internet" in our new house situation-which, while we GOT internet yesterday my router isn't working properly making wireless nearly impossible except RIGHT NEXT TO THE INTERNET MODEM. ( ummm...we don't call that "wireless" where I'm from). So yeah, need to work on that... apparently my Apple Airport Extreme has an expiration date that I didn't know about?!?

Annnyways, this was not the purpose of this post to expound on my current annoyances. NO! Instead it was to tell you what's been happening the last...ooooh a WEEK! First of all, my cold that I'd had for two weeks decided to try something new and went for FULL BLOWN SINUS INFECTION. Of course, this was awesome, perfect timing since I had tonzo to do last week in preparation for our move on Friday...and so, I admit, I probably let the thing go on a little too long. *sigh* It wasn't until Thursday that I called the doctor and complained and they told me to take Tylenol Cold and Sinus until Monday ( to see if it didn't get better)....ummm...yeah, we both knew that wasn't going to work, but I played along with the triage nurse and waited until Monday to call back literally BEGGING for an appointment. Sickness 3, Healthcare Providers 0

So, we moved...and for the most part our things came through the two moves they've been through in their current boxes without too much damage. Of course, we have literally NO furniture left that doesn't have SOME sort of scuff or scratch on it...but, such is the life of furniture that moves almost every year...and, so far the only MAJOR damage is the glass from the coffee table was broken in two. Bummer. Add a new coffee table to the list of things we need....
But, other than THAT...things like my beautiful beautiful red and white dishes...all beautifully intact! That's success! And really let's not forget how HAPPY I AM TO BE HERE WITH ALL OUR THINGS!!!!
And then, the air conditioner froze up! And then when it was defrozen it leaked water through the floor of our entry way!! AWESOME!
And by Sunday my "cold/sinus infection" had gotten so nasty that despite my best efforts I couldn't get out of bed...and so that's where I stayed, watching Season 8 of Friends on DVD, surrounded by boxes...while Brett spent literally all day doing ministry related things. House 0, Life 10.

This brings us right on into Monday and the most GIANT thunderstorm ever. But, I was not to be deterred by rain, NO SIREE!! I had THINGS TO DO! Like, I had to get groceries so we'd stop eating out, and I had to go to the doctor, and I had to get a plaque ordered for a guy who's retiring ( long story)....and, you wanna know the amazing thing?!?! Living on post is AWESOME! I got ALL those things done ( while getting soaked with rain each time), but in the most TIMELY MANNER EVER! It make SUCH a difference not living 30 miles away from everything!!! House 1, Life 1

And the BEST PART about Monday was that God answered some SERIOUS PRAYERS on my part, and Brett got off work early so that HE could drive me to Atlanta Airport ( two hours away) in the pouring down rain, to pick up Bethany...instead of ME having to do it all white knuckled and snotty. Seriously. Huge Blessing. God 50, Army 1, Life 0

Now, for the best part about last week ( other than the fact that I really do love our new home...and can tell that once I get everything 'sorted', I will be expounding my love even, the VERY BEST part about last week was that my sister had her baby girl! That's right!!! I'm an aunt again! And I gotta tell you, I'm totally in love with her even though she's all the way over in stupid Texas ( stupid because its not next door)....and I'm SO GLAD my sister had to go through this whole "giving birth" and "living through the first week" thing before me. Honestly, there's a reason why I was the second born and not the first born and GOD KNEW I needed Anna to go first in all these life changing things. ;-)

So, I'll leave this post of messiness with something truly great:
Kilsyth ( pronounce "Kil-syth ( like the Syth Lord from Starwars), Jane ( after my grandmother), Middlebrook....who's iphone pictures have gotten me through the messiest parts of this past this one, HOW AWESOME!


aggierudy3 said...

If you google Kilysith, your blog is the first result!

Do you know the origin or meaning for the name?

Christa said...

She is beautiful! Being an aunt is super fun! I cant wait to see you when you come for your shower!


Amy Bushatz said...

First of all, Im so glad bethany is there to keep you company and that everything worked out.
I will say that your math appears to be, well, fuzzy ;-).

In other news, I have many onpostliving related questions to ask you at some point before October. Ill get back to you on that.

Also, the word verification "word" below is "merishne".. that should totally be a real word.

Katie said...

Eek! Did you misspell Kilsyth or did I on the embroidered blanket I just put in the mail!? So Kilysith or Kilsyth?

Janis Dietz said...

I LOVE this photo! Your mom didn't send me a copy of this one.