August 12, 2006

the return of the princess...

Once there was a princess who was very very good.

In fact, when she was very small a fairy had come and given the princess a necklace that kept her from doing anything wrong. Ever.

Now, this was lucky, since the Princess lived in an enchanted kingdom ( arent they always?!) where the only way to get food was to go through an enchanted forest to an enchanted barn that was stock full of all sorts of good food...but, unfortunately, the only way to get through the enchanted forest and into the enchanted barn was to be without fault. As in, the person had to never do anything wrong. Ever.

So, since she had been very small the Princess had brought food to her kingdom by trampsing through the enchanted forest to the enchanted barn and gathering food for the people.

One day , however, as the Princess was entering the enchanted forest a giant branch from a nearby tree came barreling down and smacked her right between the eyes. Not only did that leave a nasty bruise, but it seemed that no matter how hard she tried the Princess couldn’t get past the offending tree. It just kept on making swipes at her with its long branches.

The Princess returned to her castle and put ice on her bruise and wondered what had just happened. She guessed that the enchanted forest had just made a mistake and that probably if she went back the next day it would surely let her pass…afterall, her necklace still kept her from doing anything wrong. Ever.

So, the next day, the Princess headed back to the enchanted forest and walked right on in. This time a giant bird from the top of one of the enchanted trees flew straight at the Princess and pecked her squarely on top of the head. Not only did that leave a nasty knot, but it seemed that no matter how hard she tried, the Princess couldn’t get past the pesky bird. It just kept making swipes at her from the sky.

The Princess returned to her castle to put more ice on her bruise and now the bump on the top of her head. This time she was really really concerned. After all, once again she was returning home empty handed. And as we all know when people go without food for long enough they get low blood sugar. And well, low blood sugar usually leads to petty arguments amongst the people of the land. The princess thought long and hard and finally decided that something must have gone amiss with her magic necklace that kept her from doing anything wrong. Ever.

Yes, she must go visit the fairy that gave it to her and find out just what the problem was….

stay tuned next week, for the exciting conclusion of this princess story...

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