November 04, 2006


The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.~ Matt 7:25

The word foundation came to me during my quiet time tonight...I was thinking how EASILY I get shaken up... I can seem so very...ummm...."together" ...or at least to those who dont read my blog and know the shocking truth that I'm a crazy loon...but that's besides the point.

Not only do I put on a show of "togetherness" to others, I do a pretty good job of convincing myself that its true. But, then it'll happen...




They rock the boat, they shake the house and ultimately they bring me to the point of taking a hard look at my foundation.

I think, ultimately, my Foundation is pretty strong as a WHOLE...but I find that it's the individual parts of my life that they start to slip a little bit.
I feel that I almost need to make sure I have a foundation for every individual aspect of my life...
For its not enough to just put the big "Christian Umbrella" over my life and hope that it keeps out the rain, wind and floods...nooooo...its all in the FOUNDATION.

So, I find myself here at the very beginning of something and I've got to think, it doesnt MATTER about tomorrow and what might be built here, because if I dont get this sorted out...if the foundation is not build on the Right Ground...well, then...I'm going to find myself easily shaken time and time again.

And that is no way to live.

I do NOT choose a life like that...a life easily swayed by circumstance, emotions, other peoples actions...the list goes on and on...
I wrote, "...that my life would be an offering of offering of faith..."

That can never be, if I am constantly being swayed this way and, not unless I truly decide to build everything upon Rock..

He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.~Ps 40:2

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