So, I just registered for an absentee ballot so that I can vote in November. Sweet. That's right. I'm going to participate in democracy. I was inspired by Leonardo DiCaprio and his advertisement with all those other politically correct actors ( I'm so being sarcastic right now). I mean, I take all my advice on big things like the presidential election from people that are fake for a living.
In other news, this morning after my meals on wheels route I sat outside for ages enjoying the beautiful beautiful weather. I am SO digging this fall weather! I am especially enjoying the fact that its sunny and the high is in the low 70s, both are things that I would probably not be enjoying in Washington on a consistent basis. I no longer take weather for granted. But anyway, while I was sitting outside I was also drinking my usual double tall soy latte, but with the added adjective of 'decaf' at the beginning. I know, its official I've sworn off of caffeine. Of course, its much easier to swear off of something like caffeine when you're getting, like, 11 hours of sleep on average. But, nonetheless, I decided to let go of my darling caffeine as part of my "trying not to have headaches" plan. I mean, it couldn't hurt, right? I also tried to get a doctors appointment for the week that I could possibly be in Washington but no such luck. I'll have to pray over my phone ( something that has totally worked in the past) and call again. Whatever the case, life is about to get busier and I think it might be hard for me to adjust. In some ways it is SCARY how easily I did NOTHING AT ALL for six weeks without too much drama. Of course, I would normally say something self-depreciating like "I'm lazy" but luckily my dear Aunty D, said it best with this statement "Not easily bored" much more positive!
And on that note, it seems like the right time to bring up my current looks like the wonderful people at the high school where my mother works did not take "no" for an answer and they still want me to substitute teach for an English teacher who's going on maternity leave. So, I got an email from the teacher last night and I was totally scared. Apparently everyone is expecting a "mini" version of my mother to show up and rock their socks off with amazing teaching skills. Ummm....negatatory. In fact, being a small town and everything, the news has already spread among the students that the daughter of Wonderful Mrs. Abt is coming to teach Pre-AP and AP English. Uh-oh. There is a limit to how long I can keep up a charade of awesome-ness and I'm pretty sure a school day is going to exceed that time constraint. Looks like I have some studying to do.
WHAT!! I didn't know you were thinking about doing that? And since you have so much free time I was wondering if you could e-mail a nice newsy letter to me?
Whoa! When did this change? I know you are listening to Him, but, ???
Yeah, so, I attempted to call last night (since I get home in the later evening hours, it seems) because I didn't know about this teaching thing either. So, what gives?
-Amy K.
it seems you have neglected mentioning this to a lot of people including yours truly.
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