November 10, 2009

California: Redwoods

Yesterday Brett and I high-tailed it out of washington and made it all the way to California and found a lovely hotel by the sea and woke up this morning to the sound of waves crashing. We then spent a day driving through Redwoods-which, I gotta tell you was something I've wanted to do since I was young and saw in some book a picture of a car driving through a tunnel in a Redwood tree! I felt very blessed getting to spend the day with my hubby taking in some of the splendor of God's creation!


Tabitha said...

Those are some big trees! Definitely storybook material. Now I want to go drive through the Redwoods. :)

Anonymous said...

My grandparents got married in that tree you're standing in!!! Wow... I need to go back to Cali. I miss it now!!