June 15, 2010

Shout Out, baby!

One of the saddest things about the thought of my children possibly growing up as 'Army Brats" ( hate that term)...is that they will not have the delight of having life long friends-people they've known since the first grade. I have had such a privilege and I gotta say it is a delight having those friends who saw you through your awkward phases, your bratty phases, and your too cool for school phases and then out and through the other side. Last year I got to attend my childhood BFF Amy's little sister, Emily's wedding...and I cried like a baby. Amy's family really is like my family and even though over the past few years my only interaction with Emily has been stalking her on facebook and reading her Mission Year blog, its been super cool to see the person she's turned into. Someone I'd totally be friends with today.

Annnnyway, all that to say, that Emily was able to come to one of my baby showers in Texas at the end of May and she made me the most adorable booties ever. And because superlatives are something I use a lot, and therefore you might not believe that they are the MOST ADORABLE...here's a picture to prove it:

See? Told ya! And if you'd like to inquire about getting Emily to make you some of these adorable baby shoes for a nominal fee...you should check out her cutsie blog....actually, you should just check out her blog anyway...

1 comment:

the emsta said...

Shout out for shout out, friend...see today's post


Thanks...and growing up East Texas only the truly lucky experience!