January 21, 2011

The Village

It really DOES take a village to raise this particular mother! ( me). And that mother (me) is beyond thankful to all those who gave their support, solidarity and whatever good "s" word you can come up with for "advice"-personally I haven't had enough sleep to think if there is such a word, but that word would be perfect right there and so insert it at your leisure.
But seriously though, all of you who sent your lovin'-I appreciate it. And it got me through yesterday. That and the Diet Coke that my husband brought home for me. Oh and the pecan/chocolate pie that I mindlessly ate three pieces of while Ransom was crying at various points during the day... Not all at once. No, that would be a problem. Ha! ha. ha 

Oh and then I couldn't sleep last night. Which is because I was OVERLY tired. ( which is apparently called "sleep fatigue" ). Which, you know, is awesome. 

BUT this morning I read the perfect verse in my time with Jesus that I think is going to help me during future sleepless nights...

" When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheers my soul."-Ps 94:19

Isn't that lovely? I think it is. Especially when you have a mind that tends to collect all the cares of the day and then pulls them out and turns them over and over in its hands for hours. I have such a mind...but the Lord's consolations ( as in comfort) come in and soothe all those little cares of mine. 

I took this picture during the ONE time Ransom slept for longer than 30 min. yesterday....in my lap. For an hour and a half.  At least he's so adorable....


Anonymous said...

You're doing great Abigail! And that is one of my favorite verses -check it out in NASB, it talks about anxiety multiplying within you, which is so true! Praying for you!

The Blessed and Fearless Mommy said...

Abigail, You have the paitence of a saint!!!! Seriously, you are doing such a great job! Hang in there! I am praying for you.

Merissa said...

Hey Abby

Just wanted to drop by and say hello and that I think Ransom is absolutely wonderful!