August 10, 2012

Fast time at Wilson High

I realize I'm the worst poster ever. I've basically waited for the "awesome" second trimester and have instead figured out that for me twins equals keep the first trimester and move straight on to third trimester fun ( ligament pain, back pain, tiredness...). I say all that only to say that I'll stop waiting for some "glorious" moment and instead say that despite all that life HAS been pretty glorious of late. Life as a mom of a two year old ( as of yesterday!) is pretty great and we've been having tons of fun the last two weeks. This week my parents visited, which was fun... Ransom basically woke up every day asking for his "Spicy" and went to bed every night talking about her. He's a fan of his grandmother. 

We also went all out in the spoiling department and took Ransom to the Fire Station for his birthday "party" was a super big hit and I suggest everyone take advantage of the awesomeness that is your local fire department. Take them some cookies ( not necessary but definitely something you should do ;-) )  and then let your kids sit on the big truck with the lights on. Ransom is still talking about it. He's also still singing Happy Birthday to himself and calling all his new toys "Birthday toys". Life is good. 

So, in other news I am the new queen of "appointments". I mentioned in my last post that I would probably need a nanny when the twins are born, but heck, I need one NOW considering all the doctors appointments I have and how none of them have invited Ransom along as my plus one! Luckily I have pretty great friends and I do have a wonderful baby sitter so I'm sure we'll make it through just fine. Basically, I have a 'specialist' who I see every two weeks who gets an ultra sound of the babies and also checks to make sure I'm not going into preterm labor. The girls are at pretty high risk for twin to twin transfer and Brett and I have been regaled with all the possibilities of this and in a lot of ways I am grateful for a specialist and then an OB ( who I also see pretty regularly) who are going to work hard to make sure we all stay healthy. However, what I'm trying to do with all my heart is focus on the here and now. 

Here and now,  Baby A was measuring at 17 weeks 2 days and Baby B was measuring at 17 weeks. At the time of the ultra sound I was 17 weeks and 1 day. I say that's pretty awesome! 

I'm looking forward to a tiny bit of normalcy in the next few weeks, Ransom going to gymnastics and my women's bible study starting back up again...all very cool things. Here's hoping I can continue to focus on these days for they are good. And our normal is about to be changed forever. 


Sheron said...

Abigail, you have such a good attitude. Brett is blessed with you. Prayer continues. Love, Aunt Sheron

JCB said...

Good job, Abigail!
Ruth Marie