January 17, 2013

Number of days....

So, many of you, if we are facebook friends, know that I started a little project for Tabitha-really for all of us- a month or so ago. Basically, I got the idea while I was wiling away my time in the hospital for a month, to document each day with a picture. I then posted those pictures on instagram with a count "up" of Tabitha's life thus far ( at the time we were just mildly obsessed with her fetal age to say the least). I then decided to take those pictures and make a larger poster for Tabitha's room of all of them combined. A documentation of our journey if you will...or at least the Houston part of our journey. The part where our family was divided. The part where I was in the hospital, and at the Ronald McDonald house, the part where Tabitha was born, the part where we were loved and taken care of by so many, the part where I knitted, made new friends, watched innumerable TV shows on my iPad and ate a lot.

 Anyway, one night I started my project and I did it by making a blank image on photoshop, and I-almost haphazardly-picked a size. 18x24. I then I took each instagram picture, shrunk it to a 2x2 and using the grid function, I placed my pictures....it turned out like this:

(I think this is going to be an awesome visual way to tell various stories
 to our kids about this story in our lives, don't you think?) 

Now, you may notice something here....first of all, take note that the first picture is of Ransom on the plane on our way to Houston. A fitting beginning. You'll also notice the last picture is a picture of Ransom on the plane LEAVING Houston. You may ALSO  notice that the size did not change, and that there are no white spaces. I also did not miss a day or do multiple pictures for any day either....

That's right. My 18x24 poster was the correct size TO. THE. DAY. of when we would leave. There had been a couple of times, when I was adding my pictures that I had pondered what I would do with the blank space at the end...because I just didn't see how I'd possibly fill up the poster ( I really wanted to have the two airplane pictures as bookends.) and had come up with some options to make it aesthetically pleasing when Tabitha arrived at, say, 35 weeks...or 36....or 37....but none of this happened. And when she was finally born, and our flights were booked home, I counted my days and realized that my 18x24 poster of 2x2 pictures, aka 108 days was actually a prophetic hint of just exactly how long we would be on our journey. 

Crazy, huh? 


Amy Bushatz said...

I LOVE THIS (yes, the love requires yelling).

Mary said...

I love this, too! It is perfect.
The way this worked out reminds of how long you told the Lord you'd stay in TX bb (before brett). It just worked out that way. huh? interesting!

The Kimmels said...

I came across your blog from A Baker's Dozen. I was immediately drawn in because our twins suffered from TTTS as well. We never qualified for the laser surgery. Our boys were born at 25 weeks and we lost one of our sons at birth. Many, many prayers for you guys as you walk this road of both joy and celebration and sadness and grief.