This book was sent to me by my dear friend Amy K.. It seems rather fitting that of my friends, Amy would send me this little number, since Amy's always had a particular sense of humor fitting to this book. Hehe!
Anyway, so basically, if you've read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen than you've got a pretty good handle on this book too...its the same characters, the same general plot line, except that everything has a mean twist. And by mean, I am basically saying mean. Characters that where subtly unkind to one another in the original novel ( i.e. Mr. Bennet/Mrs. Bennet's relationship...Lady Catherine and Elizabeth) are full of outright unkindness and cruel remarks and bloody fighting.
In fact, there is soooo much violence in this book, that I couldn't read it in long sections or I too ( like many of the characters within) would have considered vomiting.
Of course, what is to be expected of a book that is not Just about the coupling of singles...but also very much about the fighting of the Undead? Zombies. Seriously.
My positive review- without giving anything away, are the plot twists that include Charlotte Lucus, and Mr. Wickham-for they where particularly satisfying.
My Negative review-is mostly that this book is not for everyone...and while its incredibly clever in mixing a Classic novel with the current rage in todays culture for blood, guts and all things crude...I personally would not recommend it to the faint of heart.
All that being said, this book was positively genius in doing exactly what Jane Austen did in her time-which was to comment on society and its particular quirks towards decorum and what is important- and to do the exact same thing but with todays society and its particular quirks. This book does a great job of poking fun at the millions and millions of horror movies that seem to come out every weekend, it makes fun of the silly vampire/goblins phenomenon that seems to be running rampant among the youth of this matter HOW badly written, it seems that if its about a handsome vampire-then we're all in. Unbelievable. Almost as unbelievable as this book, in fact. In the end "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" was much better written then the "Twilight Series" could ever hope to be....but then, again, that's not saying much-is it? ;-)
"And I, the Lord, will multiply people on you, the whole house of Israel, all of it. The cities shall be inhabited and the waste places rebuilt."
June 30, 2009
Today I dropped my friend Katie off at the airport. This was a particularly sad moment for me, since Katie was my very first friend in Washington. Even before Brett and I got married, I heard about Katie and her husband Mike, who Brett had met and subsequently moved into an apartment near theirs. Thus, my first introduction of Katie was just how very helpful she was in getting my ( future) husband situated. In fact, if it had not been for Katie's "gentle nudgings", when Brett and I got married we would have had no bed to sleep in...or couch to sit on...or table to eat at. Basically, Katie helped set up house before I even arrived! This would be worthy of thanks in itself-but ultimately Katie's friendship has meant far more to me in my first ( and second) years of marriage. She is truly a sister who I could NOT have made it through the roller coaster ride of marriage, a new state, a new city, a new roll ( as a wife), and a new ministry here in Washington. And now she ( and soon her hubby, once the silly army gets around to letting him follow!) is starting in on a new adventure in the Kentucky region -where soon she'll be a mommy!
Of course, I'm saying all sorts of prayers as they head out on this big adventure, but selfishly, I'm a bit sad....yet, also terribly grateful for the time I did get with Katie....whoever gets her as a friend next is a lucky duck!
June 27, 2009
Opening the Vault: July 19, 2004
So, I can't sleep...this is annoying since I went to be early for the specific reason of getting lots and lots of "healing" sleep...arg! Anyway, while I'm up I'll share another old post from my blog circa 2004...and after you read it also bare in mind this piece of truth:
Now, five years later I can honestly say I do not really know why I was in so much anguish and sadness that particular night...I mean, I can guess...but I'd only be guessing...because, see? Somethings do fade....
Now, five years later I can honestly say I do not really know why I was in so much anguish and sadness that particular night...I mean, I can guess...but I'd only be guessing...because, see? Somethings do fade....
Monday, July 19, 2004
So, I know that the quote at the top of my blog as been there for a long time-in fact a few times I have thought about putting up a different one-but then I go back and I read it again,
" God does not open paths for us before we come to them, or provide help before help is needed. Yet when we are at our point of need, God's hand is outstretched.~ Unknown"
and I am just encouraged again.
I also think the quote has been SO true in my life, so many times that has happened for me, it really is perfect to discribe what my life is about-therefore what my blog is about.
In the past few days I have been thinking specifically of the idea of the "point of need"...usually the point of need is not the happiest of places-Personally at the moment I am crying on my bed...and not just tears but actually crying is that place where you are totally STUCK for some reason or another. The all important part of the quote "God's hand is outstretched" is really the key and yet I dont think I really got it the first time I read it, or even the second- Because, I the first thing that came into my head when I read that, is that God just helps you out of the situation. Done deal. But, these past few days I have been thinking about it and I realized that is rarely the way. It just doesnt always work out: Problem, solution, problem, solution...
I realized that the best part of this quote is what it implies: God takes your hand and LEADS YOU....He does provide help, but it's still a battle...the sting is still there, you still have tears running down your face, except this time God is holding your hand, He is providing you with a friend, providing you with His word of Truth, providing you with a situation that gives relief...all things that never meant quite as much as they do in that moment of need.
I think so many times-especially in this day and time-we are taught that when we become Christians we will be safe and sound-peachy keen...not true. We are also taught to expect results quickly, sort of like fastfood-if it doesnt come in 5 minutes it should totally be free...I have been reminded once again that God isnt like that at all-infact, many times at the point of need we are not even given relief right, instead we are just given PROMISE of relief....wait, strike that-we ARE given relief right away...infact, it has already been given. Jesus died for us. THAT was the ultimate relief for all our sins, for all our grief, for all our points of need. *sigh* so THATS why that quote is going to stay there a little bit longer.
a ball of tissue
Sooooo....let's seeeeee what's happened in the past few days? Well, for one thing I've gone through a box and a half of tissues. And while, yesterday, I seemed SO much better-I guess my body was just being a trickster because my nose and throat have reached new levels of grossness. Lovely.
But even in the midst of me not getting much done because of the blowing of the nose action, I am starting, with much trepidation, to get excited about Brett's upcoming R&R ( rest and relaxation, and for those of you who have come to me with confusion...this, sadly, does not mean that Brett is coming home for good...nope, he's coming home for 15 days....just long enough for me to get good and attached to him before he goes back to A-stan for another four and half months....but believe me I'll take it!!!) even though every part of my military-minded-mind is telling me that NO! IT MIGHT NOT HAPPEN! DONT GET TOO EXCITED! THE DATES COULD CHANGE! THINGS COULD HAPPEN!!
I realized that a teeny tiny bit of the funk of been experiencing of late has been due to me being all nervous-y about this leave time...I mean,'s been SEVEN months since of seen my husband...and while I've seen pictures to prove that he's as hot as ever, and I've heard his voice most days to remind me that its still as deep as'll just be weird for him to come crash this little "party" I've been livin' in for the past while....don't get me wrong, I'm GLAD! But its weird.
For my readers who have been separated from their spouses for any long length of time, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about...its this strange factor that you must fight against...and for those of you who DON'T know what I'm talking about...May you never understand.
Anyway, so to combat all the mental gymnastics my mind is going through, I've decided to throw caution to the wind and just GET EXCITED! Because, seriously? How much do I miss Brett?! ( a lot)
And how LONG have the past seven months been?! ( long)
And how silly is it to be married and not get all the benefits of having someone else take out the trash? ( really silly)
Just ( partly) kidding about the last thing...
But even in the midst of me not getting much done because of the blowing of the nose action, I am starting, with much trepidation, to get excited about Brett's upcoming R&R ( rest and relaxation, and for those of you who have come to me with confusion...this, sadly, does not mean that Brett is coming home for good...nope, he's coming home for 15 days....just long enough for me to get good and attached to him before he goes back to A-stan for another four and half months....but believe me I'll take it!!!) even though every part of my military-minded-mind is telling me that NO! IT MIGHT NOT HAPPEN! DONT GET TOO EXCITED! THE DATES COULD CHANGE! THINGS COULD HAPPEN!!
I realized that a teeny tiny bit of the funk of been experiencing of late has been due to me being all nervous-y about this leave time...I mean,'s been SEVEN months since of seen my husband...and while I've seen pictures to prove that he's as hot as ever, and I've heard his voice most days to remind me that its still as deep as'll just be weird for him to come crash this little "party" I've been livin' in for the past while....don't get me wrong, I'm GLAD! But its weird.
For my readers who have been separated from their spouses for any long length of time, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about...its this strange factor that you must fight against...and for those of you who DON'T know what I'm talking about...May you never understand.
Anyway, so to combat all the mental gymnastics my mind is going through, I've decided to throw caution to the wind and just GET EXCITED! Because, seriously? How much do I miss Brett?! ( a lot)
And how LONG have the past seven months been?! ( long)
And how silly is it to be married and not get all the benefits of having someone else take out the trash? ( really silly)
Just ( partly) kidding about the last thing...
June 25, 2009
getting my barrings
I'm feeling a little better today, although I keep getting light-headed and dizzy every time I turn my head quickly or stand up. According to my nurse roommate maybe this is an inner-ear infection or something weird. Awesome. Just what I wanted.
Anyway, my quiet time this morning offered some encouraging morsels:
"Rain in abundance, O God, you shed abroad you restored your inheritance as it languished." Ps 68:9
"By faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. "
Romans 5:2-5
Anyway, my quiet time this morning offered some encouraging morsels:
"Rain in abundance, O God, you shed abroad you restored your inheritance as it languished." Ps 68:9
"By faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. "
Romans 5:2-5
June 24, 2009
A "summer" cold
I woke up this morning with a hardcore sore throat followed by a runny nose all day...I only say "summer" in quotes because its NOT really that warm outside.
This cold is disappointing because, honestly, other than the times I been to Texas, I haven't been sick much this year. Typical! I would get sick right before Brett comes home for his two week break. Rgh!
Let's hope this cold goes fast!
This cold is disappointing because, honestly, other than the times I been to Texas, I haven't been sick much this year. Typical! I would get sick right before Brett comes home for his two week break. Rgh!
Let's hope this cold goes fast!
June 23, 2009
How emotional are you? I know most of you who have read my blog for any length of time will laugh at me when I say I feel like I'm somewhere in the middle of emotionalism...I say this because I've got friends who are WAY dramatic and who-no matter what-are always going through huge emotional issues:
I love these friends because they are so dang honest about how they are feeling at all times. I'm pretty sure they COULDN'T lie about it even if they tried....
Then I've got the other side of the coin. They always sound about like this. Everythingsfine. Everythingsfine. Everythingsfine. Itwasagoodday. Itwasabadday. Everythingsfine. Everythingsfine.
Its a little bit harder to distinguish what is going on deep in side of this type of a person, but you better believe that just because they don't talk or live their lives in All-Caps, it doesn't mean that their emotions don't swing. That some days they don't have a better grasp on their goals, a better feeling about where they fit in the grand scheme of things. And if they are followers of Christ then I bet we can ALL relate ( whether we're ALLCAPS people or if we're runonsentence people) to how some days we feel closer to God and have a greater understanding of Who He is and What He wants for our lives, and some days we're doubting just about EVERYTHING we've ever heard Him say to us. Ever.
This morning while Brett and I were praying together on the phone ( I highly recommend this....if there is anything I regret about this deployment its how little we have prayed together on the phone, considering how much we need prayer.), I was struck with a better understanding of the verse;
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." Heb 13:8 ....
I was encouraged that this means He is the same no matter how I may be "feeling". People, whether you've been a Christian two days of twenty year there are Truths that do not change depending on how you are. I think sometimes we get this feeling that Christ's love is dependent on what we do or don't do. That Christ's grasp on our situation is dependent on Just how bad it is ( if its a little problem, YOU can take care of it...if its a BIG problem, maybe you'll hand it over to God and cross your fingers and hope for the best..), That Christ's Understanding and Help is directly connected to whether we feel like we deserve it or feel it.
False, False, False.
His love and acceptance , His knowledge of our lives, His complete control over situations and circumstances, His ability to save us from ourselves, all of these things are absolute and complete ALL THE TIME.
Today you might not be feeling it, you're emotions might be high, they might be low...or they might be smack dab in the middle ( like always! haha!), you might be not particularly interested in God or you might be wishing that you COULD some how get and Him through all the mess stacked up around matter what, I promise you He is the Same. He is with us and For us.
He is at the Right Hand of the Father (Acts 2:33 ) right now...making our Case for us, Fighting for us. (Heb 7:25)
I love these friends because they are so dang honest about how they are feeling at all times. I'm pretty sure they COULDN'T lie about it even if they tried....
Then I've got the other side of the coin. They always sound about like this. Everythingsfine. Everythingsfine. Everythingsfine. Itwasagoodday. Itwasabadday. Everythingsfine. Everythingsfine.
Its a little bit harder to distinguish what is going on deep in side of this type of a person, but you better believe that just because they don't talk or live their lives in All-Caps, it doesn't mean that their emotions don't swing. That some days they don't have a better grasp on their goals, a better feeling about where they fit in the grand scheme of things. And if they are followers of Christ then I bet we can ALL relate ( whether we're ALLCAPS people or if we're runonsentence people) to how some days we feel closer to God and have a greater understanding of Who He is and What He wants for our lives, and some days we're doubting just about EVERYTHING we've ever heard Him say to us. Ever.
This morning while Brett and I were praying together on the phone ( I highly recommend this....if there is anything I regret about this deployment its how little we have prayed together on the phone, considering how much we need prayer.), I was struck with a better understanding of the verse;
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." Heb 13:8 ....
I was encouraged that this means He is the same no matter how I may be "feeling". People, whether you've been a Christian two days of twenty year there are Truths that do not change depending on how you are. I think sometimes we get this feeling that Christ's love is dependent on what we do or don't do. That Christ's grasp on our situation is dependent on Just how bad it is ( if its a little problem, YOU can take care of it...if its a BIG problem, maybe you'll hand it over to God and cross your fingers and hope for the best..), That Christ's Understanding and Help is directly connected to whether we feel like we deserve it or feel it.
False, False, False.
His love and acceptance , His knowledge of our lives, His complete control over situations and circumstances, His ability to save us from ourselves, all of these things are absolute and complete ALL THE TIME.
Today you might not be feeling it, you're emotions might be high, they might be low...or they might be smack dab in the middle ( like always! haha!), you might be not particularly interested in God or you might be wishing that you COULD some how get and Him through all the mess stacked up around matter what, I promise you He is the Same. He is with us and For us.
He is at the Right Hand of the Father (Acts 2:33 ) right now...making our Case for us, Fighting for us. (Heb 7:25)
June 20, 2009
June 18, 2009
Christmas in June
This week has been quite the week for surprises! I wonder if my mail woman is wondering what's going on...
On Monday, Brett sent me roses and chocolates ( awwwww!)
And then today I opened my mail box to find the little key that means that there is a package for you in one of the bigger boxes underneath and low and behold there was not one and not two, but THREE packages!
A fun little cupcake decorating kit from Katie that she got from, which couldn't have COME at a better time, since I just so HAPPEN to have a party on Saturday that I need to bring something, I'm thinking cupcakes are now in order!
I also received books from Amy K.-one of which is on my list that is on my sidebar, of books I plan on reading. ( as well as a book for Brett, that I'm pretty sure, from the cover alone, he's gonna love) This also came at a the perfect moment since I just came to the end of a book and I was at a quandary of what to read next!
And THEN I got a package from my parents... presents from Russia from my Papa*, for Brett and I as well as a T-shirt and CD that I had requested my Mom pick up for me from a band that I knew was playing in my home town a few weekends ago and I've been wanting their CD for a while now....( incidentally, Darcy is just quirky enough and clever enough for me to tell you all it'll be a treat if you ever get the chance to hear them play or get your hands on a CD. )...this ALSO came a just the right moment, because I was having trouble deciding what to wear today since the tempature can't seem to decide if its Spring or Summer-meaning you need a jacket, scarf, tanktop and a pull over shirt.....just so that you can be ready for any weather the beautiful scarf he sent was PERFECT*
So, anyway! Today was lovely...I had Thai Food with Tina where we talked about Tithing ( among other things, but that alliteration is hard to pass up!) and then walked around Olympia WA-which is quickly becoming my favorite day trip...with all its boutiques and waterfront views and cafes and teashops, you can't go wrong!
And now I'm sitting on my balcony in a perfect sliver of afternoon sun, waiting on Katie so that we can go see the newest Pixar movie UP ( I know, I'm a bit behind, but better late than never!)
I will now leave you with the self-portrait that I tried to take of myself in my new scarf! hahaha! Very artsy don't you think?!
On Monday, Brett sent me roses and chocolates ( awwwww!)
And then today I opened my mail box to find the little key that means that there is a package for you in one of the bigger boxes underneath and low and behold there was not one and not two, but THREE packages!
A fun little cupcake decorating kit from Katie that she got from, which couldn't have COME at a better time, since I just so HAPPEN to have a party on Saturday that I need to bring something, I'm thinking cupcakes are now in order!
I also received books from Amy K.-one of which is on my list that is on my sidebar, of books I plan on reading. ( as well as a book for Brett, that I'm pretty sure, from the cover alone, he's gonna love) This also came at a the perfect moment since I just came to the end of a book and I was at a quandary of what to read next!
And THEN I got a package from my parents... presents from Russia from my Papa*, for Brett and I as well as a T-shirt and CD that I had requested my Mom pick up for me from a band that I knew was playing in my home town a few weekends ago and I've been wanting their CD for a while now....( incidentally, Darcy is just quirky enough and clever enough for me to tell you all it'll be a treat if you ever get the chance to hear them play or get your hands on a CD. )...this ALSO came a just the right moment, because I was having trouble deciding what to wear today since the tempature can't seem to decide if its Spring or Summer-meaning you need a jacket, scarf, tanktop and a pull over shirt.....just so that you can be ready for any weather the beautiful scarf he sent was PERFECT*
So, anyway! Today was lovely...I had Thai Food with Tina where we talked about Tithing ( among other things, but that alliteration is hard to pass up!) and then walked around Olympia WA-which is quickly becoming my favorite day trip...with all its boutiques and waterfront views and cafes and teashops, you can't go wrong!
And now I'm sitting on my balcony in a perfect sliver of afternoon sun, waiting on Katie so that we can go see the newest Pixar movie UP ( I know, I'm a bit behind, but better late than never!)
I will now leave you with the self-portrait that I tried to take of myself in my new scarf! hahaha! Very artsy don't you think?!

June 16, 2009
Abigail, don't forget about Time.
Sweet is the feeling of renewed ( or should I say "renewing") Hope that the past few days have brought along with the sunrise. Seriously, I'm writing this now because I'm sure one of these days ( hopefully not soon?!?) I'll feel this down and hopeless again and I'll need to be reminded of the time that it takes to climb up out of such a place. But, that's the thing! I think we wish it didn't take time, that instead we could say a prayer, snap our fingers and get back up. We wish those prayers for help would be answered with a reassuring hug from Jesus, and maybe a card with a printed list( maybe written in something fancy like calligraphy) of just HOW things are going to be get back to being awesome. But instead we have to wait. Such desperate prayers are usually just answered by silence. But is it? Is it really silent?
I think not...
If everything comes down to love
Then just what am I afraid of
When I call out Your name
Something inside awakes in my soul
How quickly I forget I'm Yours
I'm not my own
I've been carried by You
All my life
Everything rides on hope now
Everything rides on faith somehow
When the world has broken me down
This love sets me free
When my life is like a storm
Rising waters all I want is the shore
You say I'll be ok and
Make it through the rain
You are my shelter from the storm
And everything rides on hope now
And everything rides on faith somehow
When the world has broken me down
This love sets me free
You've become my hearts desire
I will sing Your praises higher
Cause Your love sets me free
Your love sets me free
Your love sets me free
I'm not my own
I've been carried by You
All my life
Everything rides on hope now
Everything rides on faith somehow
When the world has broken me down
This love sets me free
This love sets me free
Your love sets me free
I think not...
If everything comes down to love
Then just what am I afraid of
When I call out Your name
Something inside awakes in my soul
How quickly I forget I'm Yours
I'm not my own
I've been carried by You
All my life
Everything rides on hope now
Everything rides on faith somehow
When the world has broken me down
This love sets me free
When my life is like a storm
Rising waters all I want is the shore
You say I'll be ok and
Make it through the rain
You are my shelter from the storm
And everything rides on hope now
And everything rides on faith somehow
When the world has broken me down
This love sets me free
You've become my hearts desire
I will sing Your praises higher
Cause Your love sets me free
Your love sets me free
Your love sets me free
I'm not my own
I've been carried by You
All my life
Everything rides on hope now
Everything rides on faith somehow
When the world has broken me down
This love sets me free
This love sets me free
Your love sets me free
Books I'm reading...
This is the list of books that I'm currently working through reading. If it has a line through it, then it most likely also has a review attached to it as well! You can click on the book and it'll take you to my review ( for what it's worth!)
I am also always in the market for new books to sink my teeth in to, so please, share the love...leave me a comment with books you think I should read! I'm always game!
1. Courage
2. The Billionaire’s Vinegar
3. Galileo’s Daughter
4. Longitude
5. The Sands of Tamanrasset
6. Three Cups of Tea
7. The Professor and the Madman
8. When I lay my Isaac Down
9. The Return of the Prodigal Son
10.Reading the OED ( Oxford English Dictionary)
11.Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure
12.Look Me in the Eye
13. Julius Caesar
14. The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
15. The Bookseller of Kabul
16. Behind the Blue Star Banner: Memoir from the home front
17. Miles Gone By: A Literary Autobiography
18. J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys
19. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
20. Absolutely American: Four Years at West Point
I am also always in the market for new books to sink my teeth in to, so please, share the love...leave me a comment with books you think I should read! I'm always game!
2. The Billionaire’s Vinegar
3. Galileo’s Daughter
4. Longitude
5. The Sands of Tamanrasset
6. Three Cups of Tea
8. When I lay my Isaac Down
9. The Return of the Prodigal Son
11.Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure
13. Julius Caesar
14. The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
15. The Bookseller of Kabul
16. Behind the Blue Star Banner: Memoir from the home front
17. Miles Gone By: A Literary Autobiography
20. Absolutely American: Four Years at West Point
This is the list of books that I'm currently working through reading. If it has a line through it, then it most likely also has a review attached to it as well! You can click on the book and it'll take you to my review ( for what it's worth!)
I am also always in the market for new books to sink my teeth in to, so please, share the love...leave me a comment with books you think I should read! I'm always game!
1. Courage
2. The Billionaire’s Vinegar
3. Galileo’s Daughter
4. Longitude
5. The Sands of Tamanrasset
6. Three Cups of Tea
7. The Professor and the Madman
8. When I lay my Isaac Down
9. The Return of the Prodigal Son
10.Reading the OED ( Oxford English Dictionary)
11.Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure
12.Look Me in the Eye
13. Julius Caesar
14. The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
15. The Bookseller of Kabul
16. Behind the Blue Star Banner: Memoir from the home front
17. Miles Gone By: A Literary Autobiography
18. J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys
19. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
20. Absolutely American: Four Years at West Point
I am also always in the market for new books to sink my teeth in to, so please, share the love...leave me a comment with books you think I should read! I'm always game!
2. The Billionaire’s Vinegar
3. Galileo’s Daughter
4. Longitude
5. The Sands of Tamanrasset
6. Three Cups of Tea
8. When I lay my Isaac Down
9. The Return of the Prodigal Son
11.Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure
13. Julius Caesar
14. The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
15. The Bookseller of Kabul
16. Behind the Blue Star Banner: Memoir from the home front
17. Miles Gone By: A Literary Autobiography
20. Absolutely American: Four Years at West Point
June 15, 2009
Eating up my time...
Today I woke up, did my personal quiet time, talked to Brett on the phone for a little while, then did a bible study with Lindsay, headed to the Stroud's house where I babysat for all four of their children ( summer has a whole new meaning for me now: more work! hehe!)....where I played basketball, calmed several crying fits, watched a movie and put a three year old to sleep with the sound of my voice ( I was talking on the phone) and a backrub ( thank goodness! I support napping for ALL ages!)
I then headed to the library to pick up season 2 of West Wing ( I love how you can just request a movie or a show and they just send it to your nearest branch. like magic!) and then straight home for a shower ( umm...all that basketball made me a bit sticky! heh) and then off to eat Korean BBQ with a bunch of friends and now I'm home again!
It wasn't until right before the Korean BBQ that I realized I'd totally forgotten to eat! All day! This just about never happens...hahaha! But considering the oil and fat involved in my dinner I'd say I barely came out even....
I gotta tell you though, this busy day was an answer to prayer! I needed a day full of constant distraction...sometimes its really good for the soul! ;-)
I then headed to the library to pick up season 2 of West Wing ( I love how you can just request a movie or a show and they just send it to your nearest branch. like magic!) and then straight home for a shower ( umm...all that basketball made me a bit sticky! heh) and then off to eat Korean BBQ with a bunch of friends and now I'm home again!
It wasn't until right before the Korean BBQ that I realized I'd totally forgotten to eat! All day! This just about never happens...hahaha! But considering the oil and fat involved in my dinner I'd say I barely came out even....
I gotta tell you though, this busy day was an answer to prayer! I needed a day full of constant distraction...sometimes its really good for the soul! ;-)
June 14, 2009
Opening the Vault: June 5, 2004
Well, when I was doing a little reminiscing on my 100,000th view the other day, it got me thinking about how SAD it is that the year of 2004 version of my blog is no longer available on the internets (sic). Soooo, I've decided to periodically give you a little slice of the 2004 pie, so to speak, and let you take a journey back in time to when I was a silly university student who seemed to think life was complicated, when in actuality I had NO CLUE what complicated really meant ( hahah! how time would tell!) But, every so often that 20 year-old version of myself would say semi-funny this post I bring you tonight, a post that I wrote in jest at all the books I was reading for my Rom Lit class...
Well, my dear friend, it is with no small joy that I write to you today. At brunch this morning, I was infinitely pleased to discover that cream cheese and croissants were on the menu. I have not the language to describe the delight and trepidations that this caused in my heart and it was well into the second course before I was able to truly recover my emotions.
I had the good fortune of attending church this morning, though the weather was far from favorable. I had feared that the cold rain and wind would severally dampen my spirits as well as my attire but, I had the honor, however, to be received into Rueben’s car halfway through my journey, thus I arrived at church without any alterations to my appearance, being saved from a very dreary walk. Providence has truly looked upon me with Mercy this day!
I also had the great joy in having an interview with my dear mother this afternoon. We were in no way brief in our discourse and it was not less than two hours before I was unengaged again. My mother always offers great relief and no small diversion when I am studying and I was, as always, most grateful for her intercourse.
I was, this afternoon, inclined to study, even for a short time, however my mind was most diverted by various thoughts and the dreariness of the weather and I was in risk of being quiet melancholy. I did collect my countenance, however and thus I found myself happily entertained in making lists of useless professions that I could acquire in the coming year when my studies have ceased. A few days previous I had written a small note to my dear friend, Sam stating my desire to become the sound technician for a local group of deaf musicians who are planning to go on tour. I found no small amusements in this jest, and therefore I was determined to continue the game.
Even before tea was being served I found myself, once again nervous and out of spirits. I was ashamed at my lack of restraint and have thus resolved myself to this letter in hopes that your love and acceptance will again remind me of my Duty to you and to those far less fortunate than myself. It is with this that I will end this letter as your most faithful humble servant, Abigail Kathryn Abt of Nacogdoches Abt family
Posted by: Abigail / 10:55 PM
June 12, 2009
Regular Scheduled Programming
I'm going to go ahead and cling to this until my fingernails give out:
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom 15:13
I must admit I've got really much zero joy today. And I'll also admit its kinda hard to find peace at this moment in time too, but after all the crying and the praying ( please don't ask!), it is encouraging to know that he is the "God of Hope" as in, that's His NAME! And how can I get said "hope" for myself?! Apparently by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Well, this I know must be true...since I'm not going to get it by any other way but by something that is Powerful.
He is powerful in these circumstances...the ones here today! It seems that Jesus would have it His way...not by taking away pain, but somehow giving us the ability to live through it.
I'm now incredibly dehydrated and need some sort of refreshing beverage to refill my tear ducts for another day....
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom 15:13
I must admit I've got really much zero joy today. And I'll also admit its kinda hard to find peace at this moment in time too, but after all the crying and the praying ( please don't ask!), it is encouraging to know that he is the "God of Hope" as in, that's His NAME! And how can I get said "hope" for myself?! Apparently by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Well, this I know must be true...since I'm not going to get it by any other way but by something that is Powerful.
He is powerful in these circumstances...the ones here today! It seems that Jesus would have it His way...not by taking away pain, but somehow giving us the ability to live through it.
I'm now incredibly dehydrated and need some sort of refreshing beverage to refill my tear ducts for another day....
one hundred thousand
Today something super exciting happened. Today I had my 100,000 view on this blog! Yay! That's exciting, isn't it? Especially since I've been blogging on a pretty regular ( sometimes obsessive) basis since May of 2003. With over 1,800 posts and over one million words I have regaled you ( or tried to) of the stories of my first it was your typical life of a college student, how much sleep I wasn't getting, how many papers I had to write, what random fun I'd had with my friends, all as a way to connect my family back in the States with my life in NZ...and then we hit 2004-2005 where I went from a pretty happy go lucky girl in New Zealand to a pretty mixed up girl in Texas....looking for jobs, trying to figure out my identity, dealing with some pretty heavy emotional stuff in my every day life, all the while missing my best friends in NZ, my blog became the missing friend that I most desperately needed....then 2006 happened. You'll notice that my posts nearly doubled if you look at my archives. There is a very specific reason for this and his name is Brett.
That's right, at the end of 2005 I ran into my now-husband, Brett who I'd been "sorta" friends with in high school and we reconnected and after a few emails back and forth I started to notice that I was getting hits from an internet browser at Fort Benning, Georgia. Weeeelllll, since I didn't know anyone else at Fort Benning, GA, I put two and two together and realized that even though this guy was playing it cool in the real world, he was stalking me hot and heavy via my blog....thus the year of the subtle courtship, where I blogged just about constantly, mostly amid directly at a certain 2nd Lt. in the United States Army. So, while I give God all the credit for bringing Brett and I together, I give my blog secondary credit for giving Brett the long distance nudges that he needed. hehe.
In the years following, I have found that my blog continues to play these rolls in my life, connection to loved ones across the globe ( as well as with new friends that I've made THRU this blog!), a much needed ( have you SEEN my life?!) form of therapy when things get hard, and it continues to be a source of information for my husband, who still drops by every so often when he has time to check the internet during his deployment in Afghanistan, about my day to day life. I can honestly say, that when I started this blog in 2003, I never thought once about how long it would last or what forms it would take in my life, but from the beginning I decided I would only blog as long as it was "worth it", as long as I could and WOULD be perfectly honest about my day to day Walk in this world, most importantly my day to day struggle to follow Christ as best as I can. I have always found it very important to share when I'm feeling weak, and when I'm doubting, as well as the times that I feel blessed and encouraged. So far it has been an honor to share this part of my life with my readers ( whoever you are!), and if I could be so bold, I'd love it if you left a comment every once in a while ( on this post would be perfect), since comments are pretty much the crack of the blogging world...but, anyway, thanks again for reading my blog, whether this is your first time visiting, or you've been around from the's to the next 100,000!
That's right, at the end of 2005 I ran into my now-husband, Brett who I'd been "sorta" friends with in high school and we reconnected and after a few emails back and forth I started to notice that I was getting hits from an internet browser at Fort Benning, Georgia. Weeeelllll, since I didn't know anyone else at Fort Benning, GA, I put two and two together and realized that even though this guy was playing it cool in the real world, he was stalking me hot and heavy via my blog....thus the year of the subtle courtship, where I blogged just about constantly, mostly amid directly at a certain 2nd Lt. in the United States Army. So, while I give God all the credit for bringing Brett and I together, I give my blog secondary credit for giving Brett the long distance nudges that he needed. hehe.
In the years following, I have found that my blog continues to play these rolls in my life, connection to loved ones across the globe ( as well as with new friends that I've made THRU this blog!), a much needed ( have you SEEN my life?!) form of therapy when things get hard, and it continues to be a source of information for my husband, who still drops by every so often when he has time to check the internet during his deployment in Afghanistan, about my day to day life. I can honestly say, that when I started this blog in 2003, I never thought once about how long it would last or what forms it would take in my life, but from the beginning I decided I would only blog as long as it was "worth it", as long as I could and WOULD be perfectly honest about my day to day Walk in this world, most importantly my day to day struggle to follow Christ as best as I can. I have always found it very important to share when I'm feeling weak, and when I'm doubting, as well as the times that I feel blessed and encouraged. So far it has been an honor to share this part of my life with my readers ( whoever you are!), and if I could be so bold, I'd love it if you left a comment every once in a while ( on this post would be perfect), since comments are pretty much the crack of the blogging world...but, anyway, thanks again for reading my blog, whether this is your first time visiting, or you've been around from the's to the next 100,000!
June 11, 2009
Courage, By J.M. Barrie
I picked up this little copy of the "Rector's Address" that Barrie made at St. Andrews College in 1922, this past weekend and I'm very glad I did! It was a quick read, took me about 35 minutes to read from cover to cover, but definitely something that was meaty enough to read several times through. I wished that I'd taken a pen with me while I was reading it, but alas I read it while on the stationary bike in the gym and I can just imagine me trying to juggle book, paper and pen AND spin my legs at the same time...and honestly I doubt it would have been possible!
However, I did remember a few passages that I thought would be worth sharing with you so here goes...
" Go though life without ever ascribing to an opponent motives meaner than your own. Nothing so lowers the moral currency; give it up, and be great."
" Doubtless also ( the Almighty) could have provided us with better fun than hard work, but I don't know what it is. To be born poor is probably the next best thing. The greatest glory that has ever come to me was to be swallowed up in London, not knowing a soul, with no means of subsistence, and the fun of working till the stars went out. To have known anyone would have spoilt it."
"Where an old student given an hour in which to revisit the St. Andrews of his day, would he spend more than half of it at lectures? He is more likely to be heard clattering up bare stairs in search of old companions..."
These are just a few of the many gems in this little book...I think most of all is the striking comments on war to a people who were just barely coming out of WWI at the time...its amazing how true some of his thoughts are still today.
*Note: You may note that right now all the books in my list of books I plan to read are linked to where you can buy them. Once I actually read the book I hope to write up a little something to tell you what I thought of the book and thus change the link to my thoughts....of course, I'll still give you a little link to where you can find the book so you can decide if I'm right or not...hehehe!
Here is where you can find "Courage" by James Barrie
However, I did remember a few passages that I thought would be worth sharing with you so here goes...
" Go though life without ever ascribing to an opponent motives meaner than your own. Nothing so lowers the moral currency; give it up, and be great."
" Doubtless also ( the Almighty) could have provided us with better fun than hard work, but I don't know what it is. To be born poor is probably the next best thing. The greatest glory that has ever come to me was to be swallowed up in London, not knowing a soul, with no means of subsistence, and the fun of working till the stars went out. To have known anyone would have spoilt it."
"Where an old student given an hour in which to revisit the St. Andrews of his day, would he spend more than half of it at lectures? He is more likely to be heard clattering up bare stairs in search of old companions..."
These are just a few of the many gems in this little book...I think most of all is the striking comments on war to a people who were just barely coming out of WWI at the time...its amazing how true some of his thoughts are still today.
*Note: You may note that right now all the books in my list of books I plan to read are linked to where you can buy them. Once I actually read the book I hope to write up a little something to tell you what I thought of the book and thus change the link to my thoughts....of course, I'll still give you a little link to where you can find the book so you can decide if I'm right or not...hehehe!
Here is where you can find "Courage" by James Barrie
Waiting Game
There are some things that I hold to be self of them being that when your husband says he'll call at a certain time and then doesn't that you find yourself "waiting" even though you know the call is probably not going to also find yourself not working out and not taking a shower in the hopes that you won't get interrupted doing either but instead you'll get a phone call while sitting quietly on the couch.
Of course now we're here at 11pm and I really should have worked out ( because its been days) and I really NEED a shower ( "ew" already!) and that phone call never I'm just going to chalk this day up as a loss and hope that everythings OK on the other side of the world.
Sometimes this Life is hard.
And now I will take a shower in the hopes that irony will strike and my phone will ring.....
Of course now we're here at 11pm and I really should have worked out ( because its been days) and I really NEED a shower ( "ew" already!) and that phone call never I'm just going to chalk this day up as a loss and hope that everythings OK on the other side of the world.
Sometimes this Life is hard.
And now I will take a shower in the hopes that irony will strike and my phone will ring.....
June 10, 2009
Why you should read...
So, I've added two new features to my blog. One of them is a category called "Books I recommend..." which is made up of a few of the books I've read in the past year. And let me tell you, it was hard deciding which ones to recommend! I mean, I didn't want to recommend ALL of the books I've read ( for one thing, they weren't all good...) because I didn't want to overwhelm you with titles but instead give you a list of books that, if I may say so, I think EVERYONE should read....ok, not everyone....but MOST of you...and you'll find that each book is magically linked so that you can go and check out to see if by "everyone" I mean YOU.
Obviously, this section will be changing ( if I remember!) as I think of books I've already read that need some recognition and as I read more books that need some props, so keep on the look out folks!
Which brings me to my next new category. This was brought to you by my friend Tabitha, who is currently in the process of "The Great Read" where she is reading a whole bunch of classics with a friend of hers and she's showing her list on the side of her blog, where she crosses off the books she's read....
Ok, so a while back I had a Great Enlightenment and decided that I need not read all the "classics" or the books that the New York Times Best Sellers LIst deems worthy ( or, heaven forbid, books that OPRAH thinks are good!), but instead I would read all the books that *I* wanted to read, and if I finished with that list then, maybe I'd think about reading those so called "Literary Masterpieces" ( and yes, some of them ARE..), anyway, ever since I got an iPhone, I've been keeping a running tab on all the books that I come across that I feel like I really MUST get around to reading...and today, I decided to go ahead and share that list with you! This list will most likely get longer and longer, but I will keep the names up there for at least a full year ( maybe longer depending on how I do) and just cross them off when I've read them ( some of them may even make it into the "Books I recommend" category, but either way I feel like they're all super interesting and worth a look...and, as you can see I left a little "joke" on my list so you could see what a crossed off book looks like....
So there you have it....the books that are on Abigail's Mind...
Obviously, this section will be changing ( if I remember!) as I think of books I've already read that need some recognition and as I read more books that need some props, so keep on the look out folks!
Which brings me to my next new category. This was brought to you by my friend Tabitha, who is currently in the process of "The Great Read" where she is reading a whole bunch of classics with a friend of hers and she's showing her list on the side of her blog, where she crosses off the books she's read....
Ok, so a while back I had a Great Enlightenment and decided that I need not read all the "classics" or the books that the New York Times Best Sellers LIst deems worthy ( or, heaven forbid, books that OPRAH thinks are good!), but instead I would read all the books that *I* wanted to read, and if I finished with that list then, maybe I'd think about reading those so called "Literary Masterpieces" ( and yes, some of them ARE..), anyway, ever since I got an iPhone, I've been keeping a running tab on all the books that I come across that I feel like I really MUST get around to reading...and today, I decided to go ahead and share that list with you! This list will most likely get longer and longer, but I will keep the names up there for at least a full year ( maybe longer depending on how I do) and just cross them off when I've read them ( some of them may even make it into the "Books I recommend" category, but either way I feel like they're all super interesting and worth a look...and, as you can see I left a little "joke" on my list so you could see what a crossed off book looks like....
So there you have it....the books that are on Abigail's Mind...
There is something I've been meaning to do for ages now, and thanks to a few nudges from friends plus an inspiring visit to the largest used bookstore in the world, I am currently working on a totally fabulous list ( only if you like books, that is...)
Stay tuned....
June 08, 2009
June 05, 2009
Its about 87 degrees in my living room right now. I say this because I started SWEATING while laying on the couch. not. moving.
So I'm going to go ahead and take a guess that it was 87 degrees. Very scientific.
Now, in contrast my balcony at 9:33pm was a lovely 72 degrees ( the perfect temperature, according to my iphone)...Thus the reason why I'm sitting on my balcony right now, listening to Coldplay and having a little Dark N' Stormy ( the beverage, not the weather) before bed....
It would only be better if you were here to enjoy it with me...
So I'm going to go ahead and take a guess that it was 87 degrees. Very scientific.
Now, in contrast my balcony at 9:33pm was a lovely 72 degrees ( the perfect temperature, according to my iphone)...Thus the reason why I'm sitting on my balcony right now, listening to Coldplay and having a little Dark N' Stormy ( the beverage, not the weather) before bed....
It would only be better if you were here to enjoy it with me...

June 04, 2009
God's answer!
So, yesterday I prayed that God would help make Katie's Baby Shower Awesome....and low and behold today He sent me an afternoon of making lists with Cindy followed by whirlwind shopping where we checked off a MILLION things on our to-do lists for shower preparations AND we came up with what I think is the cutest summer baby shower theme!! YAY!!!
I'm totally excited now!
Of course, that was only PART of today's to do really no time to stop and chat, I just wanted to share the answered-prayer-joy with all of you!
I'm totally excited now!
Of course, that was only PART of today's to do really no time to stop and chat, I just wanted to share the answered-prayer-joy with all of you!
June 03, 2009
Things you can't ignore...
So, today, I woke up with a horrible headache....this was not exactly a surprise considering my neck has been bothering me off and on since this weekend, but then it decided to not be so subtle any longer and thus a day of me pondering various ways of impaling my own head ( for whatever reason, my brain seems to think that would make the pain LESS...) .
At any case, I think the worst part is that I have so much to do...for instance, I'm throwing a baby shower next Saturday. Yes. As in NEXT Saturday.....Honestly, I've resorted to prayer that it will turn out great, considering that between now and then I have a pretty packed out schedule that included my mommy visiting me at the end of this week and into next week....*sigh*
Ultimately, it MUST turn out swimmingly, because its the last thing I get to do for my friend Katie before she leaves Washington at the end of, see? there is no other option. It must turn out great. The end.
But, back to my headache. After several hours of trying to do things and ignore it, I just gave in and told my headache that it could have today, it could take it and make it into something utterly helpful to all my current to do lists, as long as my headache PROMISED to go away sometime between now and 9am tomorrow morning which is when Obligations kick back into full gear and I refuse to have a screwdriver wedged between my skull and brain for another day.....
At any case, I think the worst part is that I have so much to do...for instance, I'm throwing a baby shower next Saturday. Yes. As in NEXT Saturday.....Honestly, I've resorted to prayer that it will turn out great, considering that between now and then I have a pretty packed out schedule that included my mommy visiting me at the end of this week and into next week....*sigh*
Ultimately, it MUST turn out swimmingly, because its the last thing I get to do for my friend Katie before she leaves Washington at the end of, see? there is no other option. It must turn out great. The end.
But, back to my headache. After several hours of trying to do things and ignore it, I just gave in and told my headache that it could have today, it could take it and make it into something utterly helpful to all my current to do lists, as long as my headache PROMISED to go away sometime between now and 9am tomorrow morning which is when Obligations kick back into full gear and I refuse to have a screwdriver wedged between my skull and brain for another day.....
June 01, 2009
Helping Hands
One thing I had the chance to do this past week, was help a friend of mine write up some descriptions for some of her art work that she is hoping to have published in a printmaking was great fun to try and take what she'd written as well as just her ideas on a particular piece and turn it into something that might be a little bit more reader friendly. I have to admit it was some of the most fun I've had in a while! Mirka is a lot of fun, and her art work is pretty impressive! I recently gave one of her prints of a little birdie as a gift and everyone who saw it was jealous and wanted it for their own....I just replied with I know the artist, aren't I lucky to be around such talent?! hehehe! But in all seriousness, it IS really refreshing to be around someone who is not only creative in their own ( talented!) right, but is kind and gracious enough to spur the people they are around in their own creative juices!
Yes, one of my favorite things about Mirka is that she is as far from pretentious and snobby about her talents as an artist, as you could get and she loves to get other people excited about "working with their hands" too! Luckily, along with her artistic ability she loves to do crafts too ( which translate a little better over to us "non-talented" folk!) and as an example, I absolutely love some of the things she makes and sells on her craft page!
But, as I was leaving her house on Friday she handed me this little Friend to take home with me, she said she just 'threw it together' when she was bored at her in-laws a little while ago and didn't know what to do with thoughts were, if anything I EVER made turned out like that I'd probably sell tickets and shout it from the mountain tops, but then again, my artist genes translated only into words... So thank goodness I can reap the benefits of her hands and take home such little treats that make me happy just to look at them!
Yes, one of my favorite things about Mirka is that she is as far from pretentious and snobby about her talents as an artist, as you could get and she loves to get other people excited about "working with their hands" too! Luckily, along with her artistic ability she loves to do crafts too ( which translate a little better over to us "non-talented" folk!) and as an example, I absolutely love some of the things she makes and sells on her craft page!
But, as I was leaving her house on Friday she handed me this little Friend to take home with me, she said she just 'threw it together' when she was bored at her in-laws a little while ago and didn't know what to do with thoughts were, if anything I EVER made turned out like that I'd probably sell tickets and shout it from the mountain tops, but then again, my artist genes translated only into words... So thank goodness I can reap the benefits of her hands and take home such little treats that make me happy just to look at them!
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