I'm procrastinating going to the grocery store right this minute. Its ridiculously hot outside.
In the first few minutes of my morning walk this morning I was already feeling sluggish. Its definitely getting close to July. I can feel it in every part of me.
I've been going on morning walks with a lady who I met at Bible Study a few weeks ago. She and her husband rejoined the Army after being out for 17 years! So its really interesting to get her perspective and she's definitely helped me to get myself in gear and get my exercise in every day!
In other news I'm happy to report that operation Get Ready for Baby is starting to take more shape. Brett put together the car seat and stroller yesterday and I ordered the bedding ( sooooo excited about this!!). Yet, today as I was sitting in my comfy chair staring at the baby room ( which is still very much in disarray. haha), I realized-what I'm sure most new mom's realize-that I have NO idea what I'll do once Ransom actually comes!!
I guess I need to start reading Baby books! Eek! Luckily I ( most likely) have at least a month more to go...
"And I, the Lord, will multiply people on you, the whole house of Israel, all of it. The cities shall be inhabited and the waste places rebuilt."
June 29, 2010
June 28, 2010
Mega Score
So, over the weekend Brett and I visited Ikea. A store that makes Brett stressed ( because of all the stimulation overload that the store has to offer) and makes me spend money ( because of all the stimulation overload that the store has to offer). So basically, if we do the store together it keeps ME at bay and...well....poor Brett.
But, anyways. On this particular trip to Ikea Brett remained calm and I remained frugal and all in all it was a major success.
First off, we bought a coffee table, which is excellent news for anyone who's been to our house lately and seen the sad excuse for a coffee table we've been using ever since the movers broke it when we moved in.
And then, we also got two little toys for Ransom because, well, maybe the stimulation overload got to me and Brett was too tired to stop me. And besides I'm a sucker for brightly colored yet also minimalist toys that ALSO cost $1.99 a piece. And THEN came the major score of the day....a crib mattress.
Crib mattresses cost around 80 or so dollars at most places ( Target, Babies R Us, Wal-Mart) and that's for the cheap ones...but not at Ikea. OH NO. At Ikea you can get a similar mattress for $39.99. I was positively gitty over my savings!!
So, because of the amazing savings I also got a super bright and adorable new duvet cover for the guest bedroom...afterall, Tabitha is coming to visit this weekend to kick start what I like to call The Ransom Tour of 2010-when we're going to be pulling a serious rotating door policy on the guest bedroom while Brett is in Ranger School and I'm home "alone" with a new born....so to have a really cute yellow and white stripped duvet cover just seemed right.
But, anyways. On this particular trip to Ikea Brett remained calm and I remained frugal and all in all it was a major success.
First off, we bought a coffee table, which is excellent news for anyone who's been to our house lately and seen the sad excuse for a coffee table we've been using ever since the movers broke it when we moved in.
And then, we also got two little toys for Ransom because, well, maybe the stimulation overload got to me and Brett was too tired to stop me. And besides I'm a sucker for brightly colored yet also minimalist toys that ALSO cost $1.99 a piece. And THEN came the major score of the day....a crib mattress.
Crib mattresses cost around 80 or so dollars at most places ( Target, Babies R Us, Wal-Mart) and that's for the cheap ones...but not at Ikea. OH NO. At Ikea you can get a similar mattress for $39.99. I was positively gitty over my savings!!
So, because of the amazing savings I also got a super bright and adorable new duvet cover for the guest bedroom...afterall, Tabitha is coming to visit this weekend to kick start what I like to call The Ransom Tour of 2010-when we're going to be pulling a serious rotating door policy on the guest bedroom while Brett is in Ranger School and I'm home "alone" with a new born....so to have a really cute yellow and white stripped duvet cover just seemed right.
June 27, 2010
This is what I call love...
So, in case you've missed out I've now posted TWICE about Snicker's Dark ( the Snickers bar that is made with DARK CHOCOLATE making an already perfect candy bar EVEN BETTER)....Anyway, in my last post, I lamented that I could no longer find the "mini" versions of this candy bar, which is a problem...because we all know that eating your weight in minis is better for you then eating one full-sized candy bar. ( That's SCIENCE, baby!)
Anyway, look what my husband did for me....

That's right, he went out and bought me dark chocolate snicker's bars and then cut them up into bite sized pieces and put them in a Tupperware container for my convenience.
I know, he's the best husband ever. You're jealous. As you should be.
Anyway, look what my husband did for me....

That's right, he went out and bought me dark chocolate snicker's bars and then cut them up into bite sized pieces and put them in a Tupperware container for my convenience.
I know, he's the best husband ever. You're jealous. As you should be.
June 25, 2010
Get out of Dodge
So, I took a picture of my wall calendar to illustrate this post...but it didn't really turn out, and you guys have probably had enough of my bad iphone pictures of late...so you'll just have to believe me when I say, BRETT AND I ARE BUSY.
In fact, we're so busy that we decided to not wait for free time ( because that never happened) and instead we're going away on a weekend when things are actually happening and we're just going to miss out. No biggie.
Because honestly I'm tired. I'm tired and I need to relax. And more importantly, Brett's tired and HE needs to relax. Here are words that came out of my mouth yesterday:
"I can't wait to have this baby so then things will slow down!"
Ok, so I was mostly kidding, but part of me was serious ( which is sad and terribly naive). And this is no way to live.
Its mostly no way to live because as I look around, our lives are pretty exciting and great and I couldn't be happier with the work we're doing here at Fort Benning, or the people we're getting to hang out with...and yet, because of the tiredness and the "not enough butter spread over too much bread" ( name that quote*) feeling I don't feel like we're enjoying our lives as much as we could be.
And so this afternoon Brett and I are going to Atlanta, where we're going to stay in a nice hotel ( and we all know how much Abigail likes nice hotels, don't we?!?), and we're going to eat Chipotle ( because we all know how much Brett and Abigail love Chipotle, don't we?!?), and we're going to visit Ikea ( because we all know how Brett and Abigail need a new coffee table and this also gives them excuse to eat cheap swedish meatballs and browse the awesomeness of Ikea) and we're going to finish the book series that we've been reading out loud to each other since Christmas ( because we all know how much Brett and Abigail like to read out loud to each other, don't we?! ) and we're going to watch movies in a movie theatre ( and we all know how much Abigail and Brett love to go see movies, don't we?) and we're going to sleep in ( because we all know how much Abigail values her sleep, don't we?! And its now been SO LONG since Brett and Abigail have gotten to sleep in that EVEN BRETT is starting to look forward to this activity)....and we'll probably do some other things too...
Wish us well...I'll be back next week!
In fact, we're so busy that we decided to not wait for free time ( because that never happened) and instead we're going away on a weekend when things are actually happening and we're just going to miss out. No biggie.
Because honestly I'm tired. I'm tired and I need to relax. And more importantly, Brett's tired and HE needs to relax. Here are words that came out of my mouth yesterday:
"I can't wait to have this baby so then things will slow down!"
Ok, so I was mostly kidding, but part of me was serious ( which is sad and terribly naive). And this is no way to live.
Its mostly no way to live because as I look around, our lives are pretty exciting and great and I couldn't be happier with the work we're doing here at Fort Benning, or the people we're getting to hang out with...and yet, because of the tiredness and the "not enough butter spread over too much bread" ( name that quote*) feeling I don't feel like we're enjoying our lives as much as we could be.
And so this afternoon Brett and I are going to Atlanta, where we're going to stay in a nice hotel ( and we all know how much Abigail likes nice hotels, don't we?!?), and we're going to eat Chipotle ( because we all know how much Brett and Abigail love Chipotle, don't we?!?), and we're going to visit Ikea ( because we all know how Brett and Abigail need a new coffee table and this also gives them excuse to eat cheap swedish meatballs and browse the awesomeness of Ikea) and we're going to finish the book series that we've been reading out loud to each other since Christmas ( because we all know how much Brett and Abigail like to read out loud to each other, don't we?! ) and we're going to watch movies in a movie theatre ( and we all know how much Abigail and Brett love to go see movies, don't we?) and we're going to sleep in ( because we all know how much Abigail values her sleep, don't we?! And its now been SO LONG since Brett and Abigail have gotten to sleep in that EVEN BRETT is starting to look forward to this activity)....and we'll probably do some other things too...
Wish us well...I'll be back next week!
June 24, 2010
One of my favorite things...
A lot of people take their jewelry off every day...I, because of my super laziness, do not do this. Of course, this means that things that I loooove to wear just stay on until they start to get 'sad' ( such as my wedding rings, and the one necklace I wear every day) and then I have to take them off and give them some TLC.
Today I noticed that my necklace was getting a little dull looking and so I took it off and gave it a good polish.
I love this necklace. I love it for so many reasons. I love it because it reminds me of a once and a life time trip that I took to Italy with two of my dear friends ( where I first saw a necklace like it and then spent the rest of the trip scouring jewelry stores looking for one-finally found it in Florence!) . It reminds me of a very interesting period in my growth with Christ ( lets just say when I bought this necklace the idea of a "crooked cross had MULTIPLE meanings for me!) , and I also love it because its SO unique! In fact, I don't think I've seen another cross like it here in the USA!
Today I noticed that my necklace was getting a little dull looking and so I took it off and gave it a good polish.
I love this necklace. I love it for so many reasons. I love it because it reminds me of a once and a life time trip that I took to Italy with two of my dear friends ( where I first saw a necklace like it and then spent the rest of the trip scouring jewelry stores looking for one-finally found it in Florence!) . It reminds me of a very interesting period in my growth with Christ ( lets just say when I bought this necklace the idea of a "crooked cross had MULTIPLE meanings for me!) , and I also love it because its SO unique! In fact, I don't think I've seen another cross like it here in the USA!

June 22, 2010
First of all, and this isn't really that important in normal day-to-day life...but if you're eight and a half months pregnant than it SO IS IMPORTANT. But, basically, if you remember I posted a few weeks ago about my current obsession with Snicker's Dark ( the Dark Chocolate version of the already perfect Snicker's Bar) and how I'd basically inhaled an entire bag of the Snicker's Dark minis ( wait, you mean I didn't tell you that in my post?!? nevermind)
Anyway, it was as though I somehow jinxed myself in writing that post because EVER SINCE the bags of Snicker's Dark have DISAPPEARED off the shelves of ALL SUPERMARKETS!!! Now if I want to revel in this dark chocolate-ly goodness I have to buy the NORMAL SIZE Snicker's Dark....now this isn't necessarily a tragedy, but there is something wonderful about those "fun sized" candy bars...you can eat a few and somehow it doesn't seem as bad for you. Its as though the calorie count always stays low even if you DO eat the whole bag ( because they're LITTLE). Anyway. I'm sad. And I want my mini candy bars back. WHERE DID THEY GO!??!
Anyway, it was as though I somehow jinxed myself in writing that post because EVER SINCE the bags of Snicker's Dark have DISAPPEARED off the shelves of ALL SUPERMARKETS!!! Now if I want to revel in this dark chocolate-ly goodness I have to buy the NORMAL SIZE Snicker's Dark....now this isn't necessarily a tragedy, but there is something wonderful about those "fun sized" candy bars...you can eat a few and somehow it doesn't seem as bad for you. Its as though the calorie count always stays low even if you DO eat the whole bag ( because they're LITTLE). Anyway. I'm sad. And I want my mini candy bars back. WHERE DID THEY GO!??!
June 21, 2010
Its been a while...
It is truly amazing how quickly your "norms" change! A year ago today going to bed alone with my computer for company was totally a matter of course. In fact, I'd been doing it for eight months! Looking back at my blog from this time its funny that I'd just thrown a baby shower for my friend Katie, Lindsay was living with me and I was having fun times with the girls from the Fort Lewis ministry and I was just starting to get pumped about Brett's R&R in less than a month, deployment was no longer a "super scary" thing..instead it was just day to day life and something that both Brett and I had learned to deal with
....and now here I am at Fort Benning, getting ready to have my own baby (!!) and for the first time in ages I'm going to bed alone again! Now it seems so strange and totally awful all over again!
For this I am grateful, I am glad that for the past eight months I've had very few lonely nights courtesy of the Army, I am grateful that while the bonds with friends here have been harder in coming, I know that God has done a lot of work in my life over the past year and that Brett and my relationship is even stronger now. Brett and my friendship is all the stronger-something that I can thank that deployment a year ago, as well as these past eight months at Fort Benning for building.
It is because of all these experiences that I am not completely afraid of Brett's upcoming Ranger School experience ( its coming up in August)...while it IS scary, I know that some how we'll get through it. And one day we'll be able to look back at it too and see how it was yet another thing that helped shape our relationship.
....and now here I am at Fort Benning, getting ready to have my own baby (!!) and for the first time in ages I'm going to bed alone again! Now it seems so strange and totally awful all over again!
For this I am grateful, I am glad that for the past eight months I've had very few lonely nights courtesy of the Army, I am grateful that while the bonds with friends here have been harder in coming, I know that God has done a lot of work in my life over the past year and that Brett and my relationship is even stronger now. Brett and my friendship is all the stronger-something that I can thank that deployment a year ago, as well as these past eight months at Fort Benning for building.
It is because of all these experiences that I am not completely afraid of Brett's upcoming Ranger School experience ( its coming up in August)...while it IS scary, I know that some how we'll get through it. And one day we'll be able to look back at it too and see how it was yet another thing that helped shape our relationship.
June 18, 2010
solar power
So, holy moly. My week of Vacation Bible School OFFICIALLY took its toll today. I mean, I know I said I was tired yesterday...but that did NOT compare to today!
I knew it was going to be bad when, every time I got up in the middle of the night last night I noticed that my feet where still tired feeling...not a good sign when you're worn out before you even get out of bed in the AM!
And yes, I realize I have six more weeks to go-but I cannot WAIT to be back to normal and not have someone sucking all of my energy ( not to mention being all giant...that's not fun either)! Oh, and of course, I can't wait to meet Ransom either...hehe. In fact, I'm getting more and more excited about his arrival. His room has become a favorite hang out place for me ( for one thing my "comfy chair" has taken up residence there) and today I started working on his Solar System Mobile.
Lets all take a moment to think upon the fact that I am NOT crafty.
However, I think it'll turn out ok. Maybe not awesome but still pretty cute. At least the planets themselves are super cool and even glow in the dark! I'm hoping they'll distract from my less than perfect mobile making.
Stay tuned for pictures...
I knew it was going to be bad when, every time I got up in the middle of the night last night I noticed that my feet where still tired feeling...not a good sign when you're worn out before you even get out of bed in the AM!
And yes, I realize I have six more weeks to go-but I cannot WAIT to be back to normal and not have someone sucking all of my energy ( not to mention being all giant...that's not fun either)! Oh, and of course, I can't wait to meet Ransom either...hehe. In fact, I'm getting more and more excited about his arrival. His room has become a favorite hang out place for me ( for one thing my "comfy chair" has taken up residence there) and today I started working on his Solar System Mobile.
Lets all take a moment to think upon the fact that I am NOT crafty.
However, I think it'll turn out ok. Maybe not awesome but still pretty cute. At least the planets themselves are super cool and even glow in the dark! I'm hoping they'll distract from my less than perfect mobile making.
Stay tuned for pictures...
June 17, 2010
Did you notice?
I changed the background and layout of my blog...the jury is still out on whether I like it...but I DO think its fitting for summer!
Making Life interesting
I think the first time I really mentioned Jaymon was in this post here regarding a certain smoke alarm and a pair of linen pants ( go figure), but I feel like I should give him more props than that!
I am very aware that its not normal to have "random" people living in your attic, but its something that both Brett and I feel strongly about, and we are glad that we can have an open home where people can come and live with us and share in our lives as we try to follow Christ and try to minister to the soldiers and families of Fort Benning...
It has been beyond cool to share our lives with Jaymon and best of all to share in his life, like last week he was out doing army training for most of the week and wasn't home until Thursday-but we got to rejoice in the fact that he was able to lead a bible study for the other guys in his platoon while he was away "roughing it" in the field getting a million and one chigger bites.
Considering Brett and I got to hear about his successes after our own very long days, it was encouraging to see God working in someone elses life. In fact, sometimes, I get all the encouragement I need from watching the Lord's faithfulness in the lives of those around me-I am then reminded that my own life is no different, it just may LOOK and SEEM different to me!!
Anyway, this past weekend we got to introduce Jaymon to my parents and it was great fun to share yet another wonderful friend with them. It does not take long to see just how much fun " Jaymoney" is to have around ( Jaymon actually came up with his own nickname, lamenting that he couldn't believe his friends weren't smart enough to see that all you have to do is add an "ey" to the end of his name...) and I think he kind of steps up his humor the more people we have in the house...a classic sanguine personality he thrives on an audience.
I am already thanking God that he and Brett will be going to Ranger School together at the end of August and I pray that they are able to stay together the whole way through....
But, until then...here's a picture of them putting together Ransom's baby furniture:
I am very aware that its not normal to have "random" people living in your attic, but its something that both Brett and I feel strongly about, and we are glad that we can have an open home where people can come and live with us and share in our lives as we try to follow Christ and try to minister to the soldiers and families of Fort Benning...
It has been beyond cool to share our lives with Jaymon and best of all to share in his life, like last week he was out doing army training for most of the week and wasn't home until Thursday-but we got to rejoice in the fact that he was able to lead a bible study for the other guys in his platoon while he was away "roughing it" in the field getting a million and one chigger bites.
Considering Brett and I got to hear about his successes after our own very long days, it was encouraging to see God working in someone elses life. In fact, sometimes, I get all the encouragement I need from watching the Lord's faithfulness in the lives of those around me-I am then reminded that my own life is no different, it just may LOOK and SEEM different to me!!
Anyway, this past weekend we got to introduce Jaymon to my parents and it was great fun to share yet another wonderful friend with them. It does not take long to see just how much fun " Jaymoney" is to have around ( Jaymon actually came up with his own nickname, lamenting that he couldn't believe his friends weren't smart enough to see that all you have to do is add an "ey" to the end of his name...) and I think he kind of steps up his humor the more people we have in the house...a classic sanguine personality he thrives on an audience.
I am already thanking God that he and Brett will be going to Ranger School together at the end of August and I pray that they are able to stay together the whole way through....
But, until then...here's a picture of them putting together Ransom's baby furniture:
Not sixteen anymore...
This week I've been helping out with Vacation Bible School here on Fort Benning. When I volunteered to help out and then showed up at the planning meeting they took one look at my giant belly and pointed me towards the Snacks Team. HAHA!
Believe me, I didn't complain, I've always been partial to snacks and I figured the energy level that I would need to prepare snacks every day in a kitchen full of women would be a loooot less than shuttling around a bunch of 5 to 7 year olds!
It has been a lot of fun thus far, but I've found that I have to come home and put my feet up for a seriously long time after my four hours on my feet otherwise there is just nothing left of my energy.
This is a far cry from the days of yore when I use to help with VBS in Cleburne Tx and then immediately leave to have fun with my cousins, followed by a swim practice.
I'm not sixteen anymore.
Believe me, I didn't complain, I've always been partial to snacks and I figured the energy level that I would need to prepare snacks every day in a kitchen full of women would be a loooot less than shuttling around a bunch of 5 to 7 year olds!
It has been a lot of fun thus far, but I've found that I have to come home and put my feet up for a seriously long time after my four hours on my feet otherwise there is just nothing left of my energy.
This is a far cry from the days of yore when I use to help with VBS in Cleburne Tx and then immediately leave to have fun with my cousins, followed by a swim practice.
I'm not sixteen anymore.
June 15, 2010
Shout Out, baby!
One of the saddest things about the thought of my children possibly growing up as 'Army Brats" ( hate that term)...is that they will not have the delight of having life long friends-people they've known since the first grade. I have had such a privilege and I gotta say it is a delight having those friends who saw you through your awkward phases, your bratty phases, and your too cool for school phases and then out and through the other side. Last year I got to attend my childhood BFF Amy's little sister, Emily's wedding...and I cried like a baby. Amy's family really is like my family and even though over the past few years my only interaction with Emily has been stalking her on facebook and reading her Mission Year blog, its been super cool to see the person she's turned into. Someone I'd totally be friends with today.
Annnnyway, all that to say, that Emily was able to come to one of my baby showers in Texas at the end of May and she made me the most adorable booties ever. And because superlatives are something I use a lot, and therefore you might not believe that they are the MOST ADORABLE...here's a picture to prove it:

See? Told ya! And if you'd like to inquire about getting Emily to make you some of these adorable baby shoes for a nominal fee...you should check out her cutsie blog....actually, you should just check out her blog anyway...
Annnnyway, all that to say, that Emily was able to come to one of my baby showers in Texas at the end of May and she made me the most adorable booties ever. And because superlatives are something I use a lot, and therefore you might not believe that they are the MOST ADORABLE...here's a picture to prove it:

See? Told ya! And if you'd like to inquire about getting Emily to make you some of these adorable baby shoes for a nominal fee...you should check out her cutsie blog....actually, you should just check out her blog anyway...
June 09, 2010
Time really got away from me there...
Its been a few days since I've blogged, and even though I don't have too much to share blogpost wise, it looks like I won't be going to sleep any time soon:
eating an ice cream cone at 9pm = very active baby. Brett could see him kicking me from across the room!!
So, I figured I might as well say something here.
Pregnancy update: I'm now 8 months pregnant and I feel very very large. I also feel sleepy and hot most of the time too. I have also started having dreams and freakouts that I'm going to go into premature labor-so you know, all in all, good fun is being had over here...
HOWEVER on a much happier note, my parents are coming into town this weekend...and bringing all my baby loot from my Texas baby showers with them! Considering I only got to see most of my gifts for a few seconds before they were passed off, I'm very excited about seeing it all again! :-) To prepare for their arrival Brett and Jaymon have put together all the baby furniture in the baby room...it was funny to listen to them from the other room working out how all the pieces went together-I'll have to post a picture or two once I get them onto my computer...
eating an ice cream cone at 9pm = very active baby. Brett could see him kicking me from across the room!!
So, I figured I might as well say something here.
Pregnancy update: I'm now 8 months pregnant and I feel very very large. I also feel sleepy and hot most of the time too. I have also started having dreams and freakouts that I'm going to go into premature labor-so you know, all in all, good fun is being had over here...
HOWEVER on a much happier note, my parents are coming into town this weekend...and bringing all my baby loot from my Texas baby showers with them! Considering I only got to see most of my gifts for a few seconds before they were passed off, I'm very excited about seeing it all again! :-) To prepare for their arrival Brett and Jaymon have put together all the baby furniture in the baby room...it was funny to listen to them from the other room working out how all the pieces went together-I'll have to post a picture or two once I get them onto my computer...
June 04, 2010
"Have you read all these?!"
Inevitably when people come into our home they comment about our bookshelves. And after they comment, they usually ask the question, "Have you read all these?!?"
And for some reason I'm surprised every time! To me, except when we're moving, the question is not do we have a lot of books but instead its-do we have enough books and the answer there is, "no". ( except when we're moving when the answer is we should go out and buy an ipad and get rid of all these heavy god-forsaken things...but luckily we don't move every day and that sentiment always goes away.)
And as for the question of have we read them all...that's pretty silly to me! I mean, WHY would you have books if you didn't read them?!
However, I do have to admit that Brett and I do purchase books in the hopes that we'll get a little time here and there to be able to pick it up and read it, and have yet to have that moment happen- and so my answer is that in a combined effort we've read about 80-90% of our books.... I have a shelf in the living room that has a section at one end that contains quite a few of the books that are on my "I want to read" list that is on the right-hand side of this blog...and after taking some time away from that list to read a stack of what I like to call my Estrogen Books ( Basically a whole bunch of pregnancy/baby/wife books), I have returned ( at least for a little while...before I have to start reading the "How to raise a child" books) that "I want to Read..." list.
And so, after about 7 months, I finally finished J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys. I must admit that by the end I was pretty depressed ( lets just say there was a lot of dying happening...) but all in all I feel infinitely more educated on J.M. Barrie as an author and a man-and since I like to know where my favorite authors are "coming from" in their writing it was all in all a really good read...And now on to the next book on my list! What fun!
And for some reason I'm surprised every time! To me, except when we're moving, the question is not do we have a lot of books but instead its-do we have enough books and the answer there is, "no". ( except when we're moving when the answer is we should go out and buy an ipad and get rid of all these heavy god-forsaken things...but luckily we don't move every day and that sentiment always goes away.)
And as for the question of have we read them all...that's pretty silly to me! I mean, WHY would you have books if you didn't read them?!
However, I do have to admit that Brett and I do purchase books in the hopes that we'll get a little time here and there to be able to pick it up and read it, and have yet to have that moment happen- and so my answer is that in a combined effort we've read about 80-90% of our books.... I have a shelf in the living room that has a section at one end that contains quite a few of the books that are on my "I want to read" list that is on the right-hand side of this blog...and after taking some time away from that list to read a stack of what I like to call my Estrogen Books ( Basically a whole bunch of pregnancy/baby/wife books), I have returned ( at least for a little while...before I have to start reading the "How to raise a child" books) that "I want to Read..." list.
And so, after about 7 months, I finally finished J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys. I must admit that by the end I was pretty depressed ( lets just say there was a lot of dying happening...) but all in all I feel infinitely more educated on J.M. Barrie as an author and a man-and since I like to know where my favorite authors are "coming from" in their writing it was all in all a really good read...And now on to the next book on my list! What fun!
June 03, 2010
Wish List #2
Holy Moly!!! I wasn't planning on having two, "gosh I want one" posts in a row...but look at these cookie cutters!! I mean, SERIOUSLY LOOK!

You just change out the little letters in the press to change the message! HOW GREAT!
And of course it WOULD be William Sonoma to come up with these...

You just change out the little letters in the press to change the message! HOW GREAT!
And of course it WOULD be William Sonoma to come up with these...
June 02, 2010
Wish List
I was going through some notes on my iphone ( I loooove being able to periodically "write" down titles of books that sound interesting or movies that need watching or websites that need visiting-so handy) and was reminded of this book. I think its one I need....
Mad Hungry: Feeding Men and Boys, by Lucinda Scala Quinn

Mad Hungry: Feeding Men and Boys, by Lucinda Scala Quinn

We are blessed...
I have such a wonderful family and spending time with them this weekend was wonderful...if only it could be for longer periods of time....Here are a couple of my favorite shots from the weekend...
* And to those of you who are on facebook...there are about thirty more fabulous pictures posted there...*

* And to those of you who are on facebook...there are about thirty more fabulous pictures posted there...*
June 01, 2010
Showered with the love
So, this past weekend was a whirlwind of fun as Brett and I headed to Texas for not only two baby showers in Ransom's honor, but we also got to see family that we hadn't seen in ages ( including Brett's oldest bro Tim and his wife Amber and their adorable kiddos who are in Texas for several months from Spain) and family that we'd NEVER seen before ( including two nieces....Trinity who's 8 months and Kilsyth who turned a month old while we were there). Needless to say we had a great time...and seriously the three days we were in Texas were waaay too short.
And now I'm sleeping like its going out of style, mostly because I literally can't keep my eyes open-but I was also inspired by my sister's sleep deprived state that maybe I should make the most of my last two months without a kid. Whew! This is going to be quite a ride!!
And now I'm sleeping like its going out of style, mostly because I literally can't keep my eyes open-but I was also inspired by my sister's sleep deprived state that maybe I should make the most of my last two months without a kid. Whew! This is going to be quite a ride!!
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