I am not in the habit of re-reading my blog ( at least not for a while after its been written). But, I have the sneaking suspicions that if I did in fact, reread my recent posts I'd just go ahead and pull myself out of commission.
Luckily, I do not do the whole re-read thing...and therefore I continue on in the desperate attempt to do this whole "living life" thing as best as possible.
This morning I woke up at 6:15am with a serious pain in my side. Now, just so you know...pretty much ever kidney stone I've ever had ( and I've had my unfair share...) has woken me up around the 6am hour....anyway, this pain was not that intense, but it did freak me out and make me feel very very paranoid about the possibility that if it DID get worse, what would I do?! Who would I call?!?
So, I got up, got half-way-decent-dressed, put shoes by my bed...put my backup hardcore meds on my bedside table, got a little grocery sack to throw up in ( I've done this a few times, people!), decided who I'd call to drive me to the emergency room and then went back to bed...I woke up 2 and a half hours later with a niggling feeling still in my lower abdomen but nothing too serious....
Honestly! This is what I do!?!
It does make me wonder though, I mean, this pain is more reminiscent of my endometriosis which made its debut as a "weird long lasting kidney stone" back in Early 2005 and then continued on into 2006...but then, last year, its like it just disappeared! I thought it was some sort of miracle change of body chemistry ( apparently this happens) but now I'm thinking it might be more to do with stress. Not that I didn't have any stress last year-but maybe I was more stressed the years before and then now?! Or maybe its just me being alone again? ( ha!)
Either way, I've lost 5 pounds in about two weeks.....so I'm a winner right? ( sarcasm intended).
*sigh* Al that aside, I've had a pretty satisfying day today. Had coffee with a girl ( I only have two more to go and I'll have gone through all the girls I need to do a preliminary meet! yay!) which turned into a lovely chat...and then I returned home and bought tickets to the Navigator Conference coming up in New York....this is a conference that I decidedly did NOT want to go to because...well....the first time I went I was well and truly freaked out...and while I didn't expect it to freak me out this time around ( ahhhh! How I've grown! hehehe!)....to be honest I was just tired of traveling around and tired of 'learning' ( bad attitude, Abigail!)....but after my desperate attempts to have a good reason NOT to go where all shot down by the people that I respect a lot...I gave in, and now I'm genuinely excited!
There are three ( maybe four) other girls going...and each one them I think the conference will be both challenging and eye-opening and maybe just as scary as it was for me the first time around ( and it still is to some degree!) so I'm looking forward to sharing it with them...besides, this year was suppose to be about me learning more, ministry speaking, and what better way than this conference!?
So, yes, mark your calendars...looks like I'll be spending my Valentines Day in New York State! ( probably for the best since I'm doubting the day would be that special otherwise...ahhhh! deployment....)
"And I, the Lord, will multiply people on you, the whole house of Israel, all of it. The cities shall be inhabited and the waste places rebuilt."
January 30, 2009
January 29, 2009
So, today I did in fact talk to several people....because, lets face it, I'd have to seriously go on vacation and someone would have to release my phone from my cold and clammy palm before I REALLY was off the radar!
But, today was good.....not like extraordinary and no miracles occurred. But, I know that the Lord was with me all day and sometimes its nice to just stop and talk to Him for a while.
Things that happened:
I had a surprising request from someone who wants to "disciple" me. I did not see it coming to be honest and do not quite know how to proceed. Let's just say I'm still praying about this one...
I had a surprise phonecall from Brett this morning which was good-since, lets face it-this whole long distance marriage thing is starting to take a serious toll on us both...
I finished buying up things for Brett's February Box of Love. ( actually its not terribly romantic...some of the things for the box included two study books for the GRE, the masters programs admittance test. ew.) But, that's a cool name for a box so we'll go with it.... Those of you who want to know some facts about box sending it'll be at the end of this post***
I went and watched the movie Bride Wars....and I cried. I mean, I know that it was suppose to be a romantic comedy and I did in fact laugh out loud several times...but I cried at the ending ( a little bit before that too...) and that's when I realized I might be seriously going crazy.
I had two quiet times.
I broke my days fast with Indian food and a glass of Red ( which totally broke my "don't drink alone" rule...but I figure since I'm telling you about it, and since the whole day was about me being alone...you'll forgive me.
To be honest I'm still a bit melancholy, but I know that my life is not in my own hands-which is a very comforting thought. Tomorrow is a brand new day! And I will try extra hard not to do everything in my own strength!
**For those of you who have sent baked goods to Brett, or who would like to send them in the future. So far they have all arrived without too much destruction. From what I understand the best way to go is to pack the cookies in small groups in ziploc bags with paper towels ( to keep them moist) and then use other packing means ( whether that be inside another, smaller box or tin...or just using packing supplies) to make sure they are as secure as possible to reduce breakage.
Brett has only had great things to say about the baked goods that he's received so far...and really ALL your wonderful letters, pictures, packages and prayers have been a delight and blessing to him. We are REALLY blessed to have such wonderful friends and family! In fact, Lindsay even had her elementary school class send Brett cards ( awesome!) which he thought was really great!
But, today was good.....not like extraordinary and no miracles occurred. But, I know that the Lord was with me all day and sometimes its nice to just stop and talk to Him for a while.
Things that happened:
I had a surprising request from someone who wants to "disciple" me. I did not see it coming to be honest and do not quite know how to proceed. Let's just say I'm still praying about this one...
I had a surprise phonecall from Brett this morning which was good-since, lets face it-this whole long distance marriage thing is starting to take a serious toll on us both...
I finished buying up things for Brett's February Box of Love. ( actually its not terribly romantic...some of the things for the box included two study books for the GRE, the masters programs admittance test. ew.) But, that's a cool name for a box so we'll go with it.... Those of you who want to know some facts about box sending it'll be at the end of this post***
I went and watched the movie Bride Wars....and I cried. I mean, I know that it was suppose to be a romantic comedy and I did in fact laugh out loud several times...but I cried at the ending ( a little bit before that too...) and that's when I realized I might be seriously going crazy.
I had two quiet times.
I broke my days fast with Indian food and a glass of Red ( which totally broke my "don't drink alone" rule...but I figure since I'm telling you about it, and since the whole day was about me being alone...you'll forgive me.
To be honest I'm still a bit melancholy, but I know that my life is not in my own hands-which is a very comforting thought. Tomorrow is a brand new day! And I will try extra hard not to do everything in my own strength!
**For those of you who have sent baked goods to Brett, or who would like to send them in the future. So far they have all arrived without too much destruction. From what I understand the best way to go is to pack the cookies in small groups in ziploc bags with paper towels ( to keep them moist) and then use other packing means ( whether that be inside another, smaller box or tin...or just using packing supplies) to make sure they are as secure as possible to reduce breakage.
Brett has only had great things to say about the baked goods that he's received so far...and really ALL your wonderful letters, pictures, packages and prayers have been a delight and blessing to him. We are REALLY blessed to have such wonderful friends and family! In fact, Lindsay even had her elementary school class send Brett cards ( awesome!) which he thought was really great!
January 28, 2009
An introverted extrovert
That's me.
I think it really surprises people sometimes when I say that I'm an introvert. And really, its probably not even really true. Its just that one of the main definitions of being an extrovert is that you are rejuvenated and built up by people. This is not the case with me! I'm pretty much the worse combination of personality types possible since its pretty much against my nature to turn down a party or a conversation or a coffee date or pretty much anything that anyone asks me to be a part of-I'm totally there for every second and " yes please! I WOULD like to be the "center" of whatever your doing!"
Yet, when I leave said coffee or I hang up the phone or I leave the party ( and probably the last one to leave at that!) I am tired and not just physically tired, but MENTALLY tired!
So, after a full on week last week and a pretty full on week this week ( so far! Apparently its only Wednesday night-but from what's gone down already this week-you'd think it was February so much has happened!)...I've decided to take a mini-holiday.
I'm not really sure how well that's gonna work since I don't have much self-control in this area but I going to try not to reply to emails, text messages or answer my phone and I'm going to try really really hard not to have lunch or coffee with anyone ( no matter how great the person is or no matter HOW much I want to talk to them.)
I need to go against my own desires for a "constant party" and stop to take a reprieve.
I think it when I burst into tears this evening and sobbed for a good two minutes that I got the "clue" that I did NOT in fact have it all together.
And to end this post, here are some verses that have struck me today and maybe tomorrow I'll actually take the time to ponder them and not just rush through and on to the next thing....
They had not celebrated..in great numbers as is prescribed" 2 Chrn. 30:5b
The Lord your God is gracious and compassionate, and will not turn His face away from you if you return to Him. 2 Chrn 30: 9
The hand of God was also on Judah to give them one heart to do what the king had commanded by the word of the Lord. 2 Chrn 30:12
Behold God is my salvation
I will trust and not be afraid
For the Lord God is my strength and song
And He has become my salvation....
Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name.
Make known His deeds among the peoples.
Make them remember that His name is Exalted.
Is. 12:2,4
I think it really surprises people sometimes when I say that I'm an introvert. And really, its probably not even really true. Its just that one of the main definitions of being an extrovert is that you are rejuvenated and built up by people. This is not the case with me! I'm pretty much the worse combination of personality types possible since its pretty much against my nature to turn down a party or a conversation or a coffee date or pretty much anything that anyone asks me to be a part of-I'm totally there for every second and " yes please! I WOULD like to be the "center" of whatever your doing!"
Yet, when I leave said coffee or I hang up the phone or I leave the party ( and probably the last one to leave at that!) I am tired and not just physically tired, but MENTALLY tired!
So, after a full on week last week and a pretty full on week this week ( so far! Apparently its only Wednesday night-but from what's gone down already this week-you'd think it was February so much has happened!)...I've decided to take a mini-holiday.
I'm not really sure how well that's gonna work since I don't have much self-control in this area but I going to try not to reply to emails, text messages or answer my phone and I'm going to try really really hard not to have lunch or coffee with anyone ( no matter how great the person is or no matter HOW much I want to talk to them.)
I need to go against my own desires for a "constant party" and stop to take a reprieve.
I think it when I burst into tears this evening and sobbed for a good two minutes that I got the "clue" that I did NOT in fact have it all together.
And to end this post, here are some verses that have struck me today and maybe tomorrow I'll actually take the time to ponder them and not just rush through and on to the next thing....
They had not celebrated..in great numbers as is prescribed" 2 Chrn. 30:5b
The Lord your God is gracious and compassionate, and will not turn His face away from you if you return to Him. 2 Chrn 30: 9
The hand of God was also on Judah to give them one heart to do what the king had commanded by the word of the Lord. 2 Chrn 30:12
Behold God is my salvation
I will trust and not be afraid
For the Lord God is my strength and song
And He has become my salvation....
Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name.
Make known His deeds among the peoples.
Make them remember that His name is Exalted.
Is. 12:2,4
January 27, 2009
Its not you, its me...
Today, I had the most blah day known to man. Mostly because of my own silliness and completely because of my own big fat mouth....
Remember how I told you about the great conversation and wonderful encouragement that I got from my weekend conference a while back?! Well, turns out some of the things that I was asking advice and help about were woven into some serious drama and hurt for my leaders here at Fort Lewis. I feel pretty much AWFUL about it and its a long story, but lets just say that I'm bummed and that I've been reminded that no matter how old I think I am ( maturity wise) there is ALWAYS something for me to learn and there is ALWAYS a plethora of mistakes for me to make...
Thank goodness I have great and gracious friends who forgive me and love me and laugh at me when the situation arises.
Remember how I told you about the great conversation and wonderful encouragement that I got from my weekend conference a while back?! Well, turns out some of the things that I was asking advice and help about were woven into some serious drama and hurt for my leaders here at Fort Lewis. I feel pretty much AWFUL about it and its a long story, but lets just say that I'm bummed and that I've been reminded that no matter how old I think I am ( maturity wise) there is ALWAYS something for me to learn and there is ALWAYS a plethora of mistakes for me to make...
Thank goodness I have great and gracious friends who forgive me and love me and laugh at me when the situation arises.
January 26, 2009
I totally forgot!
One of the weirdest things about living in Washington, so close to Mount Rainier, is that it is often cloudy/foggy for so many days in a row that you forget its there...and then one day you wake up, drive to the commissary and on the way you turn a corner and BAM! There it is....and all you can say is, 'whoa'

January 25, 2009
In response to this weekend:
... by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been created through Him and for Him. ( Col 1:16)
January 23, 2009
caffeine high
So, today I took a big deep breath.
Of course, I had no choice really....I was an hour long drive thru line for my meds at Madiagan Hospital ( you'd THINK the drive thru would be faster than the inside pharmacy...you'd be wrong). But, anyway, I took the time to sit in my car with the music up nice and loud...and thanks to my wonderful/fabulous phone I was able to do the following:
-texts some invites for this evenings wii tournament
-reply to several emails
-put some new appointments into my calendar.
-Read chapter 3 of Genesis as part of my preparation for bible study on sunday
-catch up on some blogs
-text some people about coming to church on Sunday
-call my sister
-play a few iphone games
Nice....I don't know what I use to do without my phone! Man, that must have been lame. ;-)
In other news, remember how I was bemoaning the fact that I still hadn't been able to pursue job openings like I had planned? Well, yesterday I woke praying....I felt overcommited and a bit stressed-but my day turned out GREAT! My first coffee date was at Starbucks......the day before I had tried to no avail to get to a starbucks to pick up their application to fill out....and there I was for a coffee date! So I picked one up on the way out the door! And then on to my next coffee date of the day....which was at the Forzas Coffee place in Dupont ( a short walk from my front door)...where I was able to drop off my resume and cover letter on my way in for my coffee date! YAY!
And THEN my coffee date this MORNING was at Starbucks again, but this time it was at the Starbucks that I actually want to apply at, so I was able to drop off my filled out application. WOO!
Isn't that splendid?!
I was able to do all the ministry things that I wanted to do, PLUS do the personal things that I really wanted to get done...It was just nice confirmation that even if I don't get a job, I know that God has a hand in everything I do...
Now, I know, I know...you're probably all marveling about how many times I have coffee in a day...and believe me I think its pretty intense too! But, I promise...I really doubt its gonna be this hardcore for the rest of the year...right now I'm just trying to make sure I meet up with all the girls that I need to ( and that's quite a few!), to make sure i get a good feel for what's going on and what everyone needs....so far, its been a blast! I've been praying for these girls for a few weeks now and I feel like there is a LOT of cool things that have the potential to happen this year! I'm in over my head...but just exactly where i want to be. :-)
I'm pretty sure I need to go back to decafe though...I feel off the wagon this week...but my sleep is suffering big time!! My poor body is not use to three coffees in one day! hahaha
Of course, I had no choice really....I was an hour long drive thru line for my meds at Madiagan Hospital ( you'd THINK the drive thru would be faster than the inside pharmacy...you'd be wrong). But, anyway, I took the time to sit in my car with the music up nice and loud...and thanks to my wonderful/fabulous phone I was able to do the following:
-texts some invites for this evenings wii tournament
-reply to several emails
-put some new appointments into my calendar.
-Read chapter 3 of Genesis as part of my preparation for bible study on sunday
-catch up on some blogs
-text some people about coming to church on Sunday
-call my sister
-play a few iphone games
Nice....I don't know what I use to do without my phone! Man, that must have been lame. ;-)
In other news, remember how I was bemoaning the fact that I still hadn't been able to pursue job openings like I had planned? Well, yesterday I woke praying....I felt overcommited and a bit stressed-but my day turned out GREAT! My first coffee date was at Starbucks......the day before I had tried to no avail to get to a starbucks to pick up their application to fill out....and there I was for a coffee date! So I picked one up on the way out the door! And then on to my next coffee date of the day....which was at the Forzas Coffee place in Dupont ( a short walk from my front door)...where I was able to drop off my resume and cover letter on my way in for my coffee date! YAY!
And THEN my coffee date this MORNING was at Starbucks again, but this time it was at the Starbucks that I actually want to apply at, so I was able to drop off my filled out application. WOO!
Isn't that splendid?!
I was able to do all the ministry things that I wanted to do, PLUS do the personal things that I really wanted to get done...It was just nice confirmation that even if I don't get a job, I know that God has a hand in everything I do...
Now, I know, I know...you're probably all marveling about how many times I have coffee in a day...and believe me I think its pretty intense too! But, I promise...I really doubt its gonna be this hardcore for the rest of the year...right now I'm just trying to make sure I meet up with all the girls that I need to ( and that's quite a few!), to make sure i get a good feel for what's going on and what everyone needs....so far, its been a blast! I've been praying for these girls for a few weeks now and I feel like there is a LOT of cool things that have the potential to happen this year! I'm in over my head...but just exactly where i want to be. :-)
I'm pretty sure I need to go back to decafe though...I feel off the wagon this week...but my sleep is suffering big time!! My poor body is not use to three coffees in one day! hahaha
January 21, 2009
In my spare time I'll get a job....
So, today I was suppose to turn in a resume and a letter to a coffee house in town that I'd really like to work at plus pick up an application at another one...but my day was filled in different ways....instead a friend in need spent the night with me and I then took her to pick up her car to get it worked on...followed by an afternoon of baby-registering ( something that is fun and also educational for someone like me without a child...I nearly hyperventilated when we got to the "pump and baby bottle aisle"...whaaaat?! Where is the manual on raising a baby when you need it!?! But, I'm happy to say that Amy is far more prepared than I'd be and therefore I'm glad SHE'S doing it first...I'm definitely learning a lot from her already!!) But, even though I didn't get what I was SUPPOSE to do today done, I was very much happy that I could be there for moral support and picture taking at Baby Registry Day...
But, then I came home and crashed. Thus, no application turning in just yet. AND on top of that...sigh....I don't know when I'm going to do it tomorrow either since I've got a coffee followed closely by me babysitting for a friend followed by another coffee....geez. I'm kinda wondering if its SELFISH to get a job! ( I hope you know that while I write that sentence I'm saying "pleasepleaseplease let me get a job!" in my head.)
I'm not giving up just yet. I've got several more days in the week left for me to "put myself out there"....and while I'm at it I'm tempted to go ahead and add "multiple coffee dates per day" as one of my skills...come on, people! That's gotta be worth something ;-)
But, then I came home and crashed. Thus, no application turning in just yet. AND on top of that...sigh....I don't know when I'm going to do it tomorrow either since I've got a coffee followed closely by me babysitting for a friend followed by another coffee....geez. I'm kinda wondering if its SELFISH to get a job! ( I hope you know that while I write that sentence I'm saying "pleasepleaseplease let me get a job!" in my head.)
I'm not giving up just yet. I've got several more days in the week left for me to "put myself out there"....and while I'm at it I'm tempted to go ahead and add "multiple coffee dates per day" as one of my skills...come on, people! That's gotta be worth something ;-)
January 20, 2009
HAHAHAHA! Just kidding! I'm not going to talk about the new president of the US....its just that so far today EVERY blog that I read has made mention, so I didn't want to feel left out.
I'm currently procrastinating writing a cover letter for my resume that I plan to hand out tomorrow....blah. I hate cover letters.
I hate resumes. I hate job hunting.
What I loooove is that I can now plug my iphone ( and my ipod) into my car...and listen to music through my stereo...but THAT'S NOT ALL!!!! When my phone rings, or when I get a text message, the music fads away and the phone rings or dings ( depending on the message type) THROUGH the stereo! No missed calls for Abigail! Way to love technology!
I'm currently procrastinating writing a cover letter for my resume that I plan to hand out tomorrow....blah. I hate cover letters.
I hate resumes. I hate job hunting.
What I loooove is that I can now plug my iphone ( and my ipod) into my car...and listen to music through my stereo...but THAT'S NOT ALL!!!! When my phone rings, or when I get a text message, the music fads away and the phone rings or dings ( depending on the message type) THROUGH the stereo! No missed calls for Abigail! Way to love technology!
January 19, 2009
The Swing
I feel like its been so long since I've posted a post worth posting-but the only way to make that happen again is practice practice practice. ( or something).
So, without further ado. My weekend at the Navigator "Ignite" Conference. It was basically a gathering of the NorthWest Navigator ministries, mostly geared towards the campus ministries, but with workshops and such- with a lot of input from the Seattle Metro ministries...and of course the Military ministry provided....ummmm....we provided the most people, and the LOUDEST people ( our group was definitely the most opinionated, outspoken group of the bunch...)-which doesn't it make sense that I'd be a part of that group?!
The weekend turned out to be personally rewarding not because of the main speaker, or the worship or the really awesome food or "goodie bags" or even the fabulous hotel...I got the most out of talking with the Navigator staff members who were there at the conference, I learned about some of the other ministries that the Navs have to offer and I was delighted to find that I can now recommend any number of options to people who want to get plugged into a Christian community that is going to be Bible based and discipleship focused...options that pretty much meet people in ALL sorts of walks and seasons of life. Pretty cool!
This weekend I also felt affirmation that my desire to see more prayer within the Fort Lewis ministry was definitely something that needs to happen and that I should not be afraid to do what I can to see that into a reality. I have always felt passionate about prayer, but I have felt a re-igniting of that over the past few weeks and this weekend was big encouragement that I needed...
Funny story, I was assigned to lead a small group discussion at the end of each day of the conference and the first night I arrived at my small group to find that I had an older guy mixed in with my girls. Weird. But I just went with it ( apparently all the groups were suppose to be a "mix" but mine was a bit one sided)....I then went ahead with what I had planned and ended my small group with a prayer time and before we prayed I made a small little appeal for them to not be afraid to sit and silence and just listen to what the Holy Spirit might have to say ( I've found that there is a sad lack of 'waiting upon the lord' up here)....weeelllll, it didn't take very long into the prayer time to realize that this dude could pray(!) and lucky for me ( or I would NOT have made my lame-o appeal about prayer ) I found out AFTER the group was over for the night that this dude was Nav Staff and he and his wife were running the workshop on Prayer the next day! HA!
Anyway, I went to their workshop and it was SO wonderful to hear what they had to say...sometimes even just hearing Truths you know, but haven't heard spoken out loud in a while is JUST what the heart needs ....
The next night the Dude brought his wife along to our small group study and we got to talking about the Fort Lewis girls ministry....I am now excited that I have this new contact close by ( they run the Spectrum Asian American ministry in Seattle) that I can us as an added resource and encouragement this year! I feel like this is just ONE MORE affirmation that the Lord is here with me and that He WILL not just leave me to my own devises...but that my desire to learn more about ministry is really going to happen! I think I might actually get TAUGHT! Woo hoo!
The other great thing about this weekend was just getting to spend some more quality time with a hand full ( only four of us went) of the girls.... especially with Katie, who is a dear friend who I have missed so much over the past six months!
So, all in all, it was a perfect weekend and all that I could have wanted as a nice "kick off" to my time here at Fort Lewis.
The other thing I decided over the weekend was how I want to start my job search:
Three resumes...three coffee shops ( that's the ones here in Dupont, and yes that includes the Evil Corporation)....praying hard and hope for an opening!
So, without further ado. My weekend at the Navigator "Ignite" Conference. It was basically a gathering of the NorthWest Navigator ministries, mostly geared towards the campus ministries, but with workshops and such- with a lot of input from the Seattle Metro ministries...and of course the Military ministry provided....ummmm....we provided the most people, and the LOUDEST people ( our group was definitely the most opinionated, outspoken group of the bunch...)-which doesn't it make sense that I'd be a part of that group?!
The weekend turned out to be personally rewarding not because of the main speaker, or the worship or the really awesome food or "goodie bags" or even the fabulous hotel...I got the most out of talking with the Navigator staff members who were there at the conference, I learned about some of the other ministries that the Navs have to offer and I was delighted to find that I can now recommend any number of options to people who want to get plugged into a Christian community that is going to be Bible based and discipleship focused...options that pretty much meet people in ALL sorts of walks and seasons of life. Pretty cool!
This weekend I also felt affirmation that my desire to see more prayer within the Fort Lewis ministry was definitely something that needs to happen and that I should not be afraid to do what I can to see that into a reality. I have always felt passionate about prayer, but I have felt a re-igniting of that over the past few weeks and this weekend was big encouragement that I needed...
Funny story, I was assigned to lead a small group discussion at the end of each day of the conference and the first night I arrived at my small group to find that I had an older guy mixed in with my girls. Weird. But I just went with it ( apparently all the groups were suppose to be a "mix" but mine was a bit one sided)....I then went ahead with what I had planned and ended my small group with a prayer time and before we prayed I made a small little appeal for them to not be afraid to sit and silence and just listen to what the Holy Spirit might have to say ( I've found that there is a sad lack of 'waiting upon the lord' up here)....weeelllll, it didn't take very long into the prayer time to realize that this dude could pray(!) and lucky for me ( or I would NOT have made my lame-o appeal about prayer ) I found out AFTER the group was over for the night that this dude was Nav Staff and he and his wife were running the workshop on Prayer the next day! HA!
Anyway, I went to their workshop and it was SO wonderful to hear what they had to say...sometimes even just hearing Truths you know, but haven't heard spoken out loud in a while is JUST what the heart needs ....
The next night the Dude brought his wife along to our small group study and we got to talking about the Fort Lewis girls ministry....I am now excited that I have this new contact close by ( they run the Spectrum Asian American ministry in Seattle) that I can us as an added resource and encouragement this year! I feel like this is just ONE MORE affirmation that the Lord is here with me and that He WILL not just leave me to my own devises...but that my desire to learn more about ministry is really going to happen! I think I might actually get TAUGHT! Woo hoo!
The other great thing about this weekend was just getting to spend some more quality time with a hand full ( only four of us went) of the girls.... especially with Katie, who is a dear friend who I have missed so much over the past six months!
So, all in all, it was a perfect weekend and all that I could have wanted as a nice "kick off" to my time here at Fort Lewis.
The other thing I decided over the weekend was how I want to start my job search:
Three resumes...three coffee shops ( that's the ones here in Dupont, and yes that includes the Evil Corporation)....praying hard and hope for an opening!
24 (hours)
I'm currently watching 24 on DVD with Bethany...in my living room....you know what THIS means?! It means my computer is working again.
Those Apple Genius people are my heros. I didn't have to buy anything ( at least not yet).
I'll be blogging again very soon!
Those Apple Genius people are my heros. I didn't have to buy anything ( at least not yet).
I'll be blogging again very soon!
January 15, 2009
boring facts.
I'm currently using the Fancy-Pants Club House computers. And even though I don't really have anything to blog about I thought I'd drop you a line nonetheless just so you wouldn't forget me.
I'm hoping against hope that I will have my own computer sorted out over the weekend and I'll be able to be back on line 24/7 in the very near future.
I'm starting to settle into my new place. I'm pretty much completely unpacked, which is fabulous. I really can't tell you how wonderful it is to have a kitchen all to myself again! YAY!
And I'm beginning to get use to living alone again. So far it hasn't been too bad since I've been getting back into the swing of ministry coffee dates, I've actually been pretty busy-but today I really have nothing going on and I've had to fight the urge to stay productive. I'm praying that my job search ( that begins next week!) will go quickly...so I don't have TOO MUCH free time on my hands.
I'm hoping against hope that I will have my own computer sorted out over the weekend and I'll be able to be back on line 24/7 in the very near future.
I'm starting to settle into my new place. I'm pretty much completely unpacked, which is fabulous. I really can't tell you how wonderful it is to have a kitchen all to myself again! YAY!
And I'm beginning to get use to living alone again. So far it hasn't been too bad since I've been getting back into the swing of ministry coffee dates, I've actually been pretty busy-but today I really have nothing going on and I've had to fight the urge to stay productive. I'm praying that my job search ( that begins next week!) will go quickly...so I don't have TOO MUCH free time on my hands.
January 13, 2009
I don't like blogging from my phone, but this was too good.... The second half of a verse struck me tonight:
"...nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You."
2 Chrn 20:12
That's exactly how I feel these days...
"...nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You."
2 Chrn 20:12
That's exactly how I feel these days...
January 12, 2009
All ruffled
So, on Saturday I moved.
It sounds all nice and tidy and in the end I guess it was....I had a whole hand full of able bodied boys ( some I didn't even know! Gotta love "ministry boys") that moved everything, and Mike came through one more time to drive the moving van for me-so I literally didn't lift a finger...but there was a LOT of stress, stress about the apartment, stress about the moving van ( the company I booked with didn't have a truck for me ( BUDGET CAR RENTALS IS EVIL DON'T USE THEM!!!) leaving Mike and I driving around frantically calling every place in town)...and generally me being uptight.
But, yes, end of the day everything was well...and I was walking around a nice and shiny new fancy-pants apartment in a lovely little pleasantville town with all my wonderful belongings that I hadn't seen in six months piled around me...and all I wanted to do was cry.
I missed Brett so terribly in those moments it was hard to breathe. I think I thought that I had cheated that feeling by not moving into the same location and starting "over afresh"...but basically by cheating one feeling I allowed a new, horrible feeling to enter...the feeling of doing something new, starting something new without Brett there to enjoy it, be a part of it...it was hard.
But, I was reminded that this year is not about Brett or me...or us being apart. It's all about God and what He wants to do in our lives. He is loving and infinitely good. He has proved SO much for me in the past week, and while it makes me nervous that everthing has happened so FAST ( have I made a mistake by moving into fancy-pants two bedroom apartment?! Did they cheat me?!)...I know that ultimately I have a grand protector over all the details and that I must instead focus on serving Him here in this community and leave all those details up to Him!
I am already seeing the opportunities to serve and I'm excited about them....
Of course, tomorrow is full of all those "details" I just talked about-taking my car into the shop, trying to unpack, getting my address changed etc. etc....but HOPEFULLY I will remember where to put my real focus and therefore stay calm and in praise for a God who takes care of all his little birdies. ( Matt 6:26)
Sadly, now that I have officially moved I do not have access to Amy's awesome laptop any longer...so I am limited to my iphone for internet access for the time being until I get my computer fixed ( or a new one)-sooOOooOOo if I dont email you, blog, reply to your facebook comments please do not be offended. I may be offline for a bit.
Until next time.
It sounds all nice and tidy and in the end I guess it was....I had a whole hand full of able bodied boys ( some I didn't even know! Gotta love "ministry boys") that moved everything, and Mike came through one more time to drive the moving van for me-so I literally didn't lift a finger...but there was a LOT of stress, stress about the apartment, stress about the moving van ( the company I booked with didn't have a truck for me ( BUDGET CAR RENTALS IS EVIL DON'T USE THEM!!!) leaving Mike and I driving around frantically calling every place in town)...and generally me being uptight.
But, yes, end of the day everything was well...and I was walking around a nice and shiny new fancy-pants apartment in a lovely little pleasantville town with all my wonderful belongings that I hadn't seen in six months piled around me...and all I wanted to do was cry.
I missed Brett so terribly in those moments it was hard to breathe. I think I thought that I had cheated that feeling by not moving into the same location and starting "over afresh"...but basically by cheating one feeling I allowed a new, horrible feeling to enter...the feeling of doing something new, starting something new without Brett there to enjoy it, be a part of it...it was hard.
But, I was reminded that this year is not about Brett or me...or us being apart. It's all about God and what He wants to do in our lives. He is loving and infinitely good. He has proved SO much for me in the past week, and while it makes me nervous that everthing has happened so FAST ( have I made a mistake by moving into fancy-pants two bedroom apartment?! Did they cheat me?!)...I know that ultimately I have a grand protector over all the details and that I must instead focus on serving Him here in this community and leave all those details up to Him!
I am already seeing the opportunities to serve and I'm excited about them....
Of course, tomorrow is full of all those "details" I just talked about-taking my car into the shop, trying to unpack, getting my address changed etc. etc....but HOPEFULLY I will remember where to put my real focus and therefore stay calm and in praise for a God who takes care of all his little birdies. ( Matt 6:26)
Sadly, now that I have officially moved I do not have access to Amy's awesome laptop any longer...so I am limited to my iphone for internet access for the time being until I get my computer fixed ( or a new one)-sooOOooOOo if I dont email you, blog, reply to your facebook comments please do not be offended. I may be offline for a bit.
Until next time.
January 09, 2009
waaaait for it...
So, I waited allllll day for the fancy-pants apartment to call and tell me that we were a "Go" for move-in tomorrow.
I didn't get said call until 5:40pm. That's right. FIVE FOURTY.
Lots of sweating it out on that one! Way to make me wait, Fancy Pants People! Way to make me reeeeeeally want it.
But, all turned out in the end and while I'm a tad nervous about the moving process tomorrow...I'm mostly EXCITED!! YAY!!! I'm finally going to have my very own home again. :-)
I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Of course, its times like these that make me miss Brett terribly. It's definitely hard to figure out how to live a life without him. I find that anything major that happens-good or bad-all I want to do is have him there with me...
Ok, before I shed any tears-let me go ahead and tell you that if you get the chance you MUST SEE Slumdog Millionaire-this is the most feel good, touching movie I've seen all year! I'm sad that this movie has had limited release here in the states-but I'm hoping that if it does well during award season that it'll get more promotion, because I know you'll all love it. ( me and the three retired ladies in the movie theatre with me totally enjoyed it!)
I didn't get said call until 5:40pm. That's right. FIVE FOURTY.
Lots of sweating it out on that one! Way to make me wait, Fancy Pants People! Way to make me reeeeeeally want it.
But, all turned out in the end and while I'm a tad nervous about the moving process tomorrow...I'm mostly EXCITED!! YAY!!! I'm finally going to have my very own home again. :-)
I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Of course, its times like these that make me miss Brett terribly. It's definitely hard to figure out how to live a life without him. I find that anything major that happens-good or bad-all I want to do is have him there with me...
Ok, before I shed any tears-let me go ahead and tell you that if you get the chance you MUST SEE Slumdog Millionaire-this is the most feel good, touching movie I've seen all year! I'm sad that this movie has had limited release here in the states-but I'm hoping that if it does well during award season that it'll get more promotion, because I know you'll all love it. ( me and the three retired ladies in the movie theatre with me totally enjoyed it!)
January 07, 2009
these things happen...
So, last night ( to recap) I had a blow out on my front tire and today I went to get it fixed. And as I left the tire dude flagged me down and fatherly-suggested that I get my breaks looked at as soon as possible because they were "acting a bit weird"....I had noticed this too, but I'd only been back a day for heaven's sake! And I had just assumed I was driving funny because I wasn't use to my car. *sigh* But, I guess that was too optimistic so I went and made an appointment for my car to be seen at the Toyota Dealership on Monday ( my car is still under warranty for another 4000 miles, whew!). I am now going to be THANKFUL that ( like an idiot) I hadn't rotated my tires before driving long distances and therefore prematurely needing two new tires, and therefore having someone tell me that I needed to get my car checked out all before the warranty runs out....so....yes. I suppose those are GOOD things.
So, I suppose the whole sentiment that when it rains it pours is true-especially since it has literally NOT stopped raining since I got back here on Monday night. Not helping things!
I did however fill out an application for the fancy-pants apartment today. Hopefully that will be approved ( thanks to my husband and HIS income. meh!) and I will be able to move in on Saturday or something ( honestly, PLEASE stop RAINING!!!).
At least the apartment already has a nice name ( fany-pants has a certain ring to it) and if all goes well and I get it-then I am already starting to pray that God would use the fancy-pants apartment for His good work and that I can bless LOTS of people in it! I can hardly wait to have my own kitchen again! YAY!
Cookies anyone?
Positive things about the day:
A long overdue chat with Lydia, A pedi-date with Amy, and making dinner with Leah. Friends a great blessing
So, I suppose the whole sentiment that when it rains it pours is true-especially since it has literally NOT stopped raining since I got back here on Monday night. Not helping things!
I did however fill out an application for the fancy-pants apartment today. Hopefully that will be approved ( thanks to my husband and HIS income. meh!) and I will be able to move in on Saturday or something ( honestly, PLEASE stop RAINING!!!).
At least the apartment already has a nice name ( fany-pants has a certain ring to it) and if all goes well and I get it-then I am already starting to pray that God would use the fancy-pants apartment for His good work and that I can bless LOTS of people in it! I can hardly wait to have my own kitchen again! YAY!
Cookies anyone?
Positive things about the day:
A long overdue chat with Lydia, A pedi-date with Amy, and making dinner with Leah. Friends a great blessing
the straw
The last straw:
I was driving to Bible Study in pour down rain ( who says that it only "drizzles in Washington" should be shot) and all of a sudden BAM!!!
And after I had checked myself to see if I had been shot, I became aware of the fact that my car was making a Thumpity-thumpity sound and sure enough my front right tire had given up on life as we know it.
( have you noticed a theme among my most expensive posessions?! They have all decided to give up on life at once!!!)
Anyway, the good things about this situation were:
I was just about to pull into bible study so I was able to drive into saftey.
Mike Wright was just dropping off Katie at Bible Study and changed my tire in the rain. God bless him.
So, the whole thing brought me to tears....mostly because I felt so little. I felt like a little kid trying to "play adult" and all I'd gotten was a flat tire and a bunch of un-answer life questions....I still didn't know what to do about the apartment or annnnything.
But, you know what? The tire thing did remind me that while God didn't stop the bad thing from happening-He did protect me and bless me through it...and I know He will not stop with just a tire!
I was driving to Bible Study in pour down rain ( who says that it only "drizzles in Washington" should be shot) and all of a sudden BAM!!!
And after I had checked myself to see if I had been shot, I became aware of the fact that my car was making a Thumpity-thumpity sound and sure enough my front right tire had given up on life as we know it.
( have you noticed a theme among my most expensive posessions?! They have all decided to give up on life at once!!!)
Anyway, the good things about this situation were:
I was just about to pull into bible study so I was able to drive into saftey.
Mike Wright was just dropping off Katie at Bible Study and changed my tire in the rain. God bless him.
So, the whole thing brought me to tears....mostly because I felt so little. I felt like a little kid trying to "play adult" and all I'd gotten was a flat tire and a bunch of un-answer life questions....I still didn't know what to do about the apartment or annnnything.
But, you know what? The tire thing did remind me that while God didn't stop the bad thing from happening-He did protect me and bless me through it...and I know He will not stop with just a tire!
January 06, 2009
Side of reality and an order of life
Last night I arrived in Washington, settled in at Amy and Luke's and went to bed totally exausted and then I started to think....and thus several hours past of me wondering what in the world I was doing here.
I mean, sure it all made sense months ago, and it even made sense weeks ago, and technically it made sense yesterday...and even sorta kinda made sense in the moment...I just didn't feel it AT ALL.
I mean, I have no idea what I'm doing.
Today I got up, shed a few tears and then headed out to find an apartment ( first order of business)...I visited three places before 11 and started to feel a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. None of the places made me happy. In fact, none of the places that made me even remotely happy were even CLOSE to being ready in the next month-so I took a much needed break and had coffee, lunch and another coffee with Cindy ( and Andrew for a little bit) and that helped to put my mind at ease that I at LEAST had things to look forward to regarding the Navigator ministry here, which, lets be honest was the major reason for returning...
Looking back on that now I can see why God had me divide my day with time with them, it helped to remind me why I'm here.
After my "break" I went back to looking at apartments, this time it was at the fancy-pants apartments in Dupont ( Pleasantville, USA) that had told me over the phone that they didn't have any openings until February. However, I went and looked at the beautiful two bedroom that would be avaliable next month and I pleaded with the lady that I wanted something sooner...and then I left and I washed my hands of the whole "search for a place to live" for the day and went to the Px with Amy. And there we were in the Px and the lady at the fancy-pants place called me back and said that someone had fallen through and that I could literally move in tomorrow ( if I could move that fast)-but of course, it was in the "second tier" apartments thus more expensive...
Annnnyway, long day...and now I'm faced with some prayer concerning a fancy apartment with lots of room and a bedroom and bathroom that I don't need....
Long day.
Trying to take deep breaths.
I mean, sure it all made sense months ago, and it even made sense weeks ago, and technically it made sense yesterday...and even sorta kinda made sense in the moment...I just didn't feel it AT ALL.
I mean, I have no idea what I'm doing.
Today I got up, shed a few tears and then headed out to find an apartment ( first order of business)...I visited three places before 11 and started to feel a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. None of the places made me happy. In fact, none of the places that made me even remotely happy were even CLOSE to being ready in the next month-so I took a much needed break and had coffee, lunch and another coffee with Cindy ( and Andrew for a little bit) and that helped to put my mind at ease that I at LEAST had things to look forward to regarding the Navigator ministry here, which, lets be honest was the major reason for returning...
Looking back on that now I can see why God had me divide my day with time with them, it helped to remind me why I'm here.
After my "break" I went back to looking at apartments, this time it was at the fancy-pants apartments in Dupont ( Pleasantville, USA) that had told me over the phone that they didn't have any openings until February. However, I went and looked at the beautiful two bedroom that would be avaliable next month and I pleaded with the lady that I wanted something sooner...and then I left and I washed my hands of the whole "search for a place to live" for the day and went to the Px with Amy. And there we were in the Px and the lady at the fancy-pants place called me back and said that someone had fallen through and that I could literally move in tomorrow ( if I could move that fast)-but of course, it was in the "second tier" apartments thus more expensive...
Annnnyway, long day...and now I'm faced with some prayer concerning a fancy apartment with lots of room and a bedroom and bathroom that I don't need....
Long day.
Trying to take deep breaths.
January 04, 2009
Real World: Washington
Wow. I'm actually pretty shocked at how quickly my time here in Texas went! But, sadly, it is over and I am struggling to remember my reasons for moving back to Washington- with the snow and the darkness and the lack of family and the no home thing....
But, then again I seem to be striving for a life of 'lack of comfort' and so far this is a success!
So tomorrow I start my travel ( flying not driving this time yay!) and I'm praying hard that weather and stupid airport don't cramp my style ( and by style I mean no delays and arriving on time ).... Oh, and my computer's wireless card has said 'Thank you, and good night !' to the world as we know it, leaving me to type this blog on my iPhone and the need for a new computer at a very inconvient time....so if you don't get email or message replis from me in the next wee while- this is why. Typing with one finger cramps ones writing style- quite literally! So there you have it my friends, off on a new adventure....Updates of the exciting and not-so-exciting nature to come!
But, then again I seem to be striving for a life of 'lack of comfort' and so far this is a success!
So tomorrow I start my travel ( flying not driving this time yay!) and I'm praying hard that weather and stupid airport don't cramp my style ( and by style I mean no delays and arriving on time ).... Oh, and my computer's wireless card has said 'Thank you, and good night !' to the world as we know it, leaving me to type this blog on my iPhone and the need for a new computer at a very inconvient time....so if you don't get email or message replis from me in the next wee while- this is why. Typing with one finger cramps ones writing style- quite literally! So there you have it my friends, off on a new adventure....Updates of the exciting and not-so-exciting nature to come!
January 01, 2009
2008 in Review
In honor of the new year, I have looked back on a year of blogging and found that there is much to be thankful for, much praise to be given to a Father who indeed does guide our paths.... Without further ado: 2008
January: I was given the "surprise" of being handed the reigns to the girls ministry with the Navigators at Fort Lewis. I was overwhelmed and under qualified. The best way to start any endeavor. I continued to process what it meant to be an Army Wife ( aka. dealing with either a sleepy-tired husband or an absent one). This was the month I decided to have "more girl friends" and incidently became friends with Amy....so that worked out rather well, I suppose.
February: I spent the month throwing parties, attending parties and doing all this while being sick. Or at least that's how it seemed. It is true that I threw a lot of "gatherings" in February which basically just meant that whole "making more girl friends" meant that we doubled our friends and therefore doubled our social circle. Makes for Busy Times in the Wilson house hold. Oh, and yeah...who's surprised about the sick thing? I'm always sick.
March: In march I found my favorite recipe of Brett and my marriage thus far ( of course, my current favorite is Cindy's Enchilada Soup, but I've only had that one two months so we'll have to wait and see...) Easy Indian Samosas. Honestly, best thing ever! In fact, this month I did a lot of cooking and baking and I also watched a lot of Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer in between cooking. This was mostly because once again I was faced with my husband being gone. A. Lot. However, we were greatly encouraged by seeing some Spiritual Growth and hunger among the guys he was working with, a much needed boost.
April: While April was the month Brett and I found out he was going to be put on a MiTT team, I went to Texas for my sister's 30th Birthday, Brett and I went to an international soccer match, I got sick ( again), we finally reached the end of the FIVE seasons of Babylon Five that we'd been watching since the new year, and I made my first pie from scratch, Emma and Lydia visited from New Zealand, and we found out we were moving to Kansas... but by far the most crazy thing that happened in April was that some woman thought I was pregnant. yay. ( whoa, April was CRAZY!)
May: Brett and I attended a Hawaii-Mystery-Theme Party, I doubted my abilities to lead a growing girls ministry, we watched the Stroud kids play t-ball, and I continued to love my job at the coffee shop. We continued to deal with the Army's horrible way of springing things on you, Washington had some beautiful weather and we enjoyed it. Oh, and I had a kidney stone.
June: I started to feel more "calm" about our future regarding Kansas, June decided to be full of rain and 60 degree weather making me mad, we entertained my sister and her husband as well as Steve and Billie while they attended a Guitar building Conference and went and saw Mt. Rainier and Mt. Saint Helens with them at the end of their stay. I started to prepare to pack up our apartment by collecting boxes and not buying groceries. One worked better than the other. The girls ministry starts to blow up and more and more girls seem to come each week-a perfect time for TWO people to take over from the ONE me....
July: I went "camping" for the first time ever. Spent the 4th with friends eating homemade ice cream and experiencing one of the most amazing fireworks displays over puget sound. I dealt with the headache of packing up a house full of belongings and literal headaches ( lots of migraines this month). And in between all the packing, we went to an all day concert in Seattle, visited Snoqualmie Falls with friends and took a weekend trip to Canada's Victoria Island for our one year anniversary, none of which stopped me from turning into a giant Monster from all the horrible packing...of course, after the whirlwind of packing and moving we jumped on a plane and went to Texas for a much needed "break" from life where Brett said goodbye to even more family and friends.
August: Started the month out in Texas, and from there we flew back to Washington, moved our stuff into storage and hit the open road with brother Josh and Aunt Donnave heading to Kansas. We had lots of surprises in August, Kansas was not ugly, our living situation was awesome, Brett's job required lots less "working hours" and all in all adjusting to life without a job or friends or really anything to speak of was a lot easier for me than I would have thought. In short God was handing out Grace and Mercy at the door of Kansas.
September: I started volunteering at the Senior Center doing meals on wheels twice a week, I began going to the PWOC women's bible study on Fort Riley, Brett got into the swing of his new "work/training" schedule. I finally officially changed my name from Abigail Abt to Abigail Wilson with the United States Government. And Brett and I watched our lives slow waaaay way down and enjoyed every second of it.
October:I enjoyed Real Live Fall weather in Kansas while stressing about Nov-December and what I would do once Brett left ( Go to China? Teach English in a high school? Final Answer: none of the above). Brett and I spent a long, glorious weekend in Kansas City where he bought an ipod touch and I got my iphone-buyer remorse soon followed. Brett headed off to California for the end of his training, I headed off to Washington for a 'visit/doctors appointment'. Brett's deployment started to sink in and I cried tons.
November: Brett and I returned to Kansas for one final week and a half together before deploying. It turned out to be as perfect as such a week could ever be, in short it was a miracle. Brett left for Afghanistan, I pulled myself together. Papa and I drove from Kansas to Washington and then flew to Texas all in four days time, where I then let out a long sigh of relief and cried a little. Celebrated my 25 birthday with the birth of my friends Katie and Thomas's daughter Eden. I learned slowly how to deal with a Long Distance Husband. Celebrated Thanksgiving with both sets of family and went to rehearsals for the Messiah.
December: went to a wedding, a funeral and spent a lot of time with family. I rekindled old and new friendships and let a few old things pass away. Celebrated yet another holiday away from Brett,but also found that grace abounds in all situations and whether facing new marriages or the passing of a dear one- He is near.
January: I was given the "surprise" of being handed the reigns to the girls ministry with the Navigators at Fort Lewis. I was overwhelmed and under qualified. The best way to start any endeavor. I continued to process what it meant to be an Army Wife ( aka. dealing with either a sleepy-tired husband or an absent one). This was the month I decided to have "more girl friends" and incidently became friends with Amy....so that worked out rather well, I suppose.
February: I spent the month throwing parties, attending parties and doing all this while being sick. Or at least that's how it seemed. It is true that I threw a lot of "gatherings" in February which basically just meant that whole "making more girl friends" meant that we doubled our friends and therefore doubled our social circle. Makes for Busy Times in the Wilson house hold. Oh, and yeah...who's surprised about the sick thing? I'm always sick.
March: In march I found my favorite recipe of Brett and my marriage thus far ( of course, my current favorite is Cindy's Enchilada Soup, but I've only had that one two months so we'll have to wait and see...) Easy Indian Samosas. Honestly, best thing ever! In fact, this month I did a lot of cooking and baking and I also watched a lot of Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer in between cooking. This was mostly because once again I was faced with my husband being gone. A. Lot. However, we were greatly encouraged by seeing some Spiritual Growth and hunger among the guys he was working with, a much needed boost.
April: While April was the month Brett and I found out he was going to be put on a MiTT team, I went to Texas for my sister's 30th Birthday, Brett and I went to an international soccer match, I got sick ( again), we finally reached the end of the FIVE seasons of Babylon Five that we'd been watching since the new year, and I made my first pie from scratch, Emma and Lydia visited from New Zealand, and we found out we were moving to Kansas... but by far the most crazy thing that happened in April was that some woman thought I was pregnant. yay. ( whoa, April was CRAZY!)
May: Brett and I attended a Hawaii-Mystery-Theme Party, I doubted my abilities to lead a growing girls ministry, we watched the Stroud kids play t-ball, and I continued to love my job at the coffee shop. We continued to deal with the Army's horrible way of springing things on you, Washington had some beautiful weather and we enjoyed it. Oh, and I had a kidney stone.
June: I started to feel more "calm" about our future regarding Kansas, June decided to be full of rain and 60 degree weather making me mad, we entertained my sister and her husband as well as Steve and Billie while they attended a Guitar building Conference and went and saw Mt. Rainier and Mt. Saint Helens with them at the end of their stay. I started to prepare to pack up our apartment by collecting boxes and not buying groceries. One worked better than the other. The girls ministry starts to blow up and more and more girls seem to come each week-a perfect time for TWO people to take over from the ONE me....
July: I went "camping" for the first time ever. Spent the 4th with friends eating homemade ice cream and experiencing one of the most amazing fireworks displays over puget sound. I dealt with the headache of packing up a house full of belongings and literal headaches ( lots of migraines this month). And in between all the packing, we went to an all day concert in Seattle, visited Snoqualmie Falls with friends and took a weekend trip to Canada's Victoria Island for our one year anniversary, none of which stopped me from turning into a giant Monster from all the horrible packing...of course, after the whirlwind of packing and moving we jumped on a plane and went to Texas for a much needed "break" from life where Brett said goodbye to even more family and friends.
August: Started the month out in Texas, and from there we flew back to Washington, moved our stuff into storage and hit the open road with brother Josh and Aunt Donnave heading to Kansas. We had lots of surprises in August, Kansas was not ugly, our living situation was awesome, Brett's job required lots less "working hours" and all in all adjusting to life without a job or friends or really anything to speak of was a lot easier for me than I would have thought. In short God was handing out Grace and Mercy at the door of Kansas.
September: I started volunteering at the Senior Center doing meals on wheels twice a week, I began going to the PWOC women's bible study on Fort Riley, Brett got into the swing of his new "work/training" schedule. I finally officially changed my name from Abigail Abt to Abigail Wilson with the United States Government. And Brett and I watched our lives slow waaaay way down and enjoyed every second of it.
October:I enjoyed Real Live Fall weather in Kansas while stressing about Nov-December and what I would do once Brett left ( Go to China? Teach English in a high school? Final Answer: none of the above). Brett and I spent a long, glorious weekend in Kansas City where he bought an ipod touch and I got my iphone-buyer remorse soon followed. Brett headed off to California for the end of his training, I headed off to Washington for a 'visit/doctors appointment'. Brett's deployment started to sink in and I cried tons.
November: Brett and I returned to Kansas for one final week and a half together before deploying. It turned out to be as perfect as such a week could ever be, in short it was a miracle. Brett left for Afghanistan, I pulled myself together. Papa and I drove from Kansas to Washington and then flew to Texas all in four days time, where I then let out a long sigh of relief and cried a little. Celebrated my 25 birthday with the birth of my friends Katie and Thomas's daughter Eden. I learned slowly how to deal with a Long Distance Husband. Celebrated Thanksgiving with both sets of family and went to rehearsals for the Messiah.
December: went to a wedding, a funeral and spent a lot of time with family. I rekindled old and new friendships and let a few old things pass away. Celebrated yet another holiday away from Brett,but also found that grace abounds in all situations and whether facing new marriages or the passing of a dear one- He is near.
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